Ms Usami Persona 5 planting her big fat tonka truck ass onto Ren’s face and makin him eat it
Notes: Once again, this was written by my partner, BottomBitch. If you're interested in more of her work, hit up her AO3. You can find her commission info here.

"They say you're a delinquent," Ms. Usami muttered, pressing her rump back against Ren's face. She was still clothed, at least for the moment. "I have to say, I have a hard time agreeing with them. You don't look very tough to me," she added. She didn't mean it to be an insult, nor did she have time to find out whether Ren had taken it as one, because he was soon distracted by her hand, pulling her skirt up and her panties down. The next thing he knew, that large ass that had been clothed before him only a moment ago was now nude, pressed back against his face. His immediate response was to close his mouth, but it became clear what she wanted from him a moment later.
Her asshole pressed right up against his mouth... in a way that definitely hadn't been accidental. He sputtered against it at first, but she held firm. "Come on. Show me how brave you can really be," she urged him, rolling her hips back against his face, that tight, puckered hole grinding against his lips. It didn't take long for the bitter taste to become inoffensive, and then he slipped his tongue free, testing the waters.
It didn't take long for him to do exactly as she had asked, with every bit of enthusiasm that she had been hoping that he would. His hands even moved out from underneath her to wrap around her hips, holding her in place so that he could work his tongue inside her properly. His tongue gave the sort of thrusts that betrayed his inexperience, each motion more of a desperate throw of his tongue than an active attempt to pleasure her, but all the same she felt on top of the world, her hands moving to his knees so that she could press down harder against him.
"There's a good boy," she muttered, lifting her rump up briefly before slamming it down against his face again. She could feel her orgasm coming without having touched her pussy even once, but she left it that way. When she did cum, she let her juice splatter against his chin and run down it, though she kept her behind pressed firmly against him even when her orgasm had passed. "You didn't think that you were done, did you?" she asked, before reaching down to run her hand across his crotch.