bad end Haru where sugimura fucks her big marshmallow pudding tits while mockingly calling her a good wife

Notes: Once again, this was written by my partner, BottomBitch. If you're interested in more of her work, hit up her AO3. You can find her commission info here.

"It was cute watching you put up a fight," Sugimura muttered, his hands sliding up alongside both of Haru's tits as he pressed them together, sliding his cock between them. "I get it. You're young, you're rebellious, you think fighting against the natural order of things will get you anywhere other than the bottom of the ladder... but I'd never have been willing to give up a prize such as you so easily." However Haru felt about having his cock between her tits, it didn't show much on her face. In fact, there wasn't much of anything showing on her face—she looked docile, as if she had figuratively checked out for the duration of his titfuck. That wouldn't do at all.

Reaching his hands over, he gave the tits themselves a hard squeeze, then went for the nipples when that didn't pull a reaction from her right away. "Darling, if we're going to be married, you're at least going to have to compliment my enthusiastic speeches." He took her nipples between two of his fingers and gave each of them a hard yank, pulling a moan of surprise from her in the process. "That's better," he continued, with a smug smile.

He didn't stop tugging at her nipples though, he was just gentler about it as he continued to fuck her tits, his hips slamming against their undersides over and over again. Not even the smallest amount of lubrication, of course, except for that which his precum provided, because she should have been happy to provide her husband with such a service as far as he was concerned. What was a better use for her than for him to fuck her fat tits? Even if he didn't voice that outloud, she already knew that was how he felt about her.

"It's a good thing that your dad passed you over to me, but don't think that means I'm going to respect him or anything like that. If I want you to fuck a room full of my friends, you'll do it, understand?" She didn't answer him, but the docile look in her eyes had gone now. She was looking at him, halfway between stunned silence and fear. It brought another smirk to his lips. "There's a good g— a good wife. When we're done here, you can make my dinner." He gave a low chuckle as he finished on her face, then had her fulfil those wifely duties without being given the opportunity to clean it off.