Selphie Threesome.txt

Notes: Once again, this was written by my partner, BottomBitch. If you're interested in more of her work, hit up her AO3. You can find her commission info here.

Squall watched as Selphie's ass bounced back against Zell's crotch. Whereas the former was entirely bare, her soft pale skin fully visible as it rippled from the bounce, he and Zell were still wearing most of their clothing. Things had gotten to this point pretty fast, and there hadn't been much time to remove them. His gaze slipped down to Selphie's face, eager and wide-eyed as she gobbled up his cock all the way down to the base with a quick push forward, using the momentum from the bounce to beat past any hesitance that she might have had to take him all the way otherwise.

Squall couldn't help but make the joke, inside his own head, that he was glad she finally had something else to occupy her mouth with. It meant that he didn't have to listen to her continue talking at length about how much she loved trains. They each sat (or in Selphie's case, laid) in the SeeD compartment of the train that was taking them to Timber, where they would partake in their first mission as SeeD members. Teenage hormones and a lot of blueballing the night before, in what had been their celebration for being accepted as members of SeeD, led them right into taking advantage of their first opportunity to share a room together free from the watchful eye of their teachers.

Wrapping her arms around Squall's waist, Selphie made clear her intent to showcase her skills. If asked, she wouldn't have told them where such skills had been attained, but she enjoyed showing off all the same. Her mouth opened and she took Squall all the way to the base and held herself there once more, gazing up at him with her eyes partly rolled back while his shaft filled her throat and cut off her airways entirely.

Zell took the opportunity to begin doing more than just sit there on the opposite side. His hands moved to her waist and he slammed forward again, burying himself all the way to the base inside her pussy while she kept Squall pressed all the way inside her throat, moaning onto him and preparing to move back again before Squall slipped a hand against the back of her head and held her there. She choked on him and struggled to breathe, but relented to his desire to keep her down at the base for a couple of moments more, her pleading eyes slipping up to his face once more while Squall closed his own and enjoyed the feeling of being balls deep inside someone's mouth.

Zell found a quick rhythm soon after, his hands keeping a firm grip on her hips as he began to fuck her. "Oh, man," he spoke, tipping his head back. "It's so soft and warm, I didn't know it was like this." Squall chose not to question whether Zell had been a virgin or not and focus instead on Selphie's mouth. He gazed down at her again, and, seeing tears in her eyes despite the elation also present in them, he opted to let her pull back from him and breathe, finally.

Even as she panted for breath and closed her eyes while those tears finally rolled down her cheeks, her mouth was wide open and seemingly ready for more. She confirmed as much when she, a moment later, reached forward to begin hungrily stroking his cock while she leaned in for another taste of the tip. The little moans and whines that left her were quiet, but they reverberated through Squall all the same, prompting him to tip his head back yet again.

The two boys enjoyed their respective sides of her, but eventually Selphie wasn't content with being spitroasted any more. She pressed one of her hands against the back of the seat that the three of them were on, then pulled herself up until she could press back against Zell instead. Squall didn't stay still for long, moving forward on his knees to slide his cock up against Zell's and eventually thrust up into Selphie, who let out an eager moan in response while she wrapped her arms around Squall for stability and turned her head back to give Zell a kiss on the lips.

Two cocks inside her at once, and she was taking it like a champ. She kissed Zell desperately, so much so that it wasn't long until she had taken the breath out of him entirely. When she pulled back, she studied him for a moment as if checking whether he was going to take long recovering, and then she turned her head forward to Squall to lean in and kiss him instead.

Under most other circumstances, Squall wouldn't have let her kiss him. He would have pulled away, and he certainly wouldn't have kissed her back, but even he, as stoic as he attempted to come across, was being overwhelmed by the feeling of her tight cunt wrapped around the both of them. He kissed her deeply, wrapped his arm a little higher, around her neck, and then leaned forward into their kiss. As their tongues moved against one another, their wordless foray into maturity driving towards its climax, Zell was the one who picked up the pace. He was also, a few moments later, the first one to hit his climax.

A series of heavy thrusts, each with another bounce of her ass against his crotch, preceded the moment that he hit his true peak and exploded inside her. Squall wasn't very far behind, pulling away from their kiss to instead bury his face in her neck and pick up the pace of his own deep thrusts. She didn't feel quite as tight now that he was the only one inside her, but she was still warm and welcoming and eagerly rolled her hips down against him as her pussy milked his cock of everything that it had to offer. His own eager spurts filled her womb even further, and then he collapsed back onto the chair much the same way that Zell had.

"Wow," Selphie muttered, having come down from her climax. "That really took it out of me... what about you two?" she asked, peeking back at Zell to see that he had already fallen unconscious. She laughed to herself about it, and midway through that laugh fell into her own slumber. Squall raised an eyebrow at the both of them, and was about to get up to clean himself off when he, too, slipped into unconsciousness, assuming it to be the result of their exhaustive lovemaking.