Minako rims Junpei
Notes: Once again, this was written by my partner, BottomBitch. If you're interested in more of her work, hit up her AO3. You can find her commission info here.

The blowjob had been Minako's idea. The first one that she had given Junpei had been his, but ever since then she had been eager to get his cock back in her mouth. It was something about the taste, something about the scent and something about the way that he crumbled underneath her whenever she had him in her mouth. But of course, Minako wasn't satisfied with only what she had. If Junpei would crumble during blowjobs, she wanted to find out what would make him fall apart at the seams, rumble to his very foundations and collapse before her.
Junpei reached a hand up to pull off his cap, then ran a hand through his short hair while he watched Minako work him. She had been sucking his cock for the better part of five minutes, slurping and smacking her lips in a way that seemed desperate to him, but he certainly wasn't about to call her out on that, not when it felt as good as it did. Moving up towards the tip, Minako wrapped a hand around the base of his cock and held him there before giving the tip a hard suck, and then before he could even realise what was happening, she was down at his balls, working those over in a similar way to the way she had been working his cock.
It wasn't the first time that she had been down there, and it wouldn't be the last; Junpei loved having his balls played with. He let out a little grunt as she suckled on one nut, and then she moved over to give the same attention to the other. She made sure to suckle hard before pulling back though, doing so with so much force that for a moment Junpei thought that she might not give his sack back at all, and then it spilled free from her mouth with a pop before smacking back into place.
What surprised Junpei the most was what happened next. Rather than moving back up to his cock after that, she kept on going down, kissing wherever her lips were sat. His balls, the bottom of his sack, his taint, and then— she was kissing his ass. Junpei seized up but didn't move away, so overcome with surprise that he couldn't even move. He looked down at her and watched as Minako opened her eyes and flicked her gaze to his face right as her tongue ran over his asshole for the first time. She wasn't gentle and she didn't take her time. The first lap was followed by another and then she plunged her tongue inside him, while Junpei struggled to cope with what was being done to him.
Was it gay for him to be enjoying her tongue inside his ass? As he sat there in pleasure he had never experienced before, Junpei's thoughts were sat firmly on that. A blush rose on his cheeks and he struggled to sit still, but he didn't want to pull away for how good it felt to have her tongue wriggling around inside his asshole. It felt like it wasn't the first time that she had done it, and yet she was exploring around with the eagerness of an absolute novice. When Junpei was finally able to form words, they were staggered and insecure.
"Are you sure you should be doing that?" Junpei stammered, but Minako simply replied by thrusting her tongue deeper into him—he didn't even know that she could go deeper than she already had been! Grunting once more, Junpei thrust his hips forward against her face, and Minako responded by finally pulling her tongue free from his ass only to begin pressing kisses against it instead. Smooch. Smooch. Smooooooch. She then lapped against the hole before plunging her tongue back inside, the tight hole squeezing around the muscle as she did, but Minako was undeterred.
Junpei's eyes rolled back and he tipped his head back over the back of the chair similarly, and when he dropped his hips back down against her mouth again, a more intense pleasure hit him. He didn't recognise what it was at first, but he was cumming. He reached a hand up to cover his mouth but it did very little to silence his moans of pleasure, and his cock began spurting off a moment later, making a mess of Minako's hair. For her part, she was happy to continue licking around inside his ass until she finally pulled her head back, then looked up at him with a smirk. He was still laid in the position he had been in when he came, and was trying to collect himself. As he huffed for breath, Minako wiped her mouth.
"You want me to do that again, right?" she asked him, and Junpei simply gave an affirmative grunt whilst giving a thumbs-up.