Jadeite pinning Sailor Moon to a wall, fingering her while being a condescending dick about how pathetic she is and how she’s not worthy enough for -looks at script- THE COCK OF ONE OF THE FOUR HEAVENLY KINGS
Notes: Once again, this was written by my partner, BottomBitch. If you're interested in more of her work, hit up her AO3. You can find her commission info here.

As soon as Sailor Moon felt her back slam against the wall, she knew that she was in trouble. Usually, a misread punch only meant that she would end up on her rump and need a moment to recover, but even before he had attacked her she could see that Jadeite had other plans. A dominant gaze, a smirk that almost broke the boundaries of his face and a harsh tone as he spoke to her, keeping her pressed against the wall with a hand against her chest that she noticed far too late was actually squeezing at one of her breasts.
"My, my. It would seem you're all mine," he muttered, his other hand slipping into her skirt before she even had time to react. The gasp that followed was interrupted by a hitched breath that came alongside his finger slipping deep into her snatch, already a little wet for reasons she couldn't admit to herself. "What a shame it is that I have no desire for you. How could I? Look at you. You're pathetic. Already dripping wet merely from my presence... then again, I suppose I can't blame you. Who would? It's not often you're greeted with such immeasurable power, I'd imagine."
The downside to having him roughly finger her against a wall was, well, pretty much every part of it, but one upside was that the more pleasured she became, the less she had to listen to his voice. At least, that had been her hope, but as he pleasured her further, as she resigned herself to the constant pump of fingers into her snatch, his words seeped into her consciousness again. "You're not worthy of anything more from me. This is all you're getting. I'd sooner fuck each of your friends before I came to you."
His words. His tone. She melted into them, and melted against him, panting for breath through a deeply flushing face as his fingers pumped into a practically gushing pussy. It didn't take long for her to reach climax, just a moment more, and as she leaned against him, moaning wildly, he grimaced, then pulled his fingers from her snatch. She ended up on the ground, looking up at him with hazy vision, and he presented to her his fingers, covered in her juices.
Without complaint, she leaned up and took those fingers into her mouth.