I Just Want To Start A Flame In Your Heart

Notes: Once again, this was written by my partner, BottomBitch. If you're interested in more of her work, hit up her AO3. You can find her commission info here. Also, None is my Vault Dweller OC! I'll write my own stuff for her one day lol.

The winds of change were blowing across the wasteland. The lawlessness that had once given Killian a sense of unease was beginning to weaken its roots, even outside of Junktown. The Vault Dweller, a woman by the name of None who had helped Killian to bring justice upon a local don a few months ago, had also spread her unique, helpful influence to a town called Shady Sands, which had soon formed a government and begun to establish some form of order among the settlements that surrounded it.

To have that sort of influence spreading over the dust and the rubble gave Killian hope for the future, but it also kept him busy. Though Junktown wasn't officially under the banner of the so-called New California Republic just yet, it had begun to house those who agreed with the principle of change but weren't yet ready to call themselves citizens. These types varied from well-mannered to violent vagrants, barely able to keep their desire for anarchic chaos beneath the surface. If Killian had his way, they'd all be sent packing, but being paranoid could only serve a person so far and kicking out new neighbours before they had even gotten the chance to settle would not be a good way of maintaining his popularity among Junktown's residents, he reasoned.

Another factor in his busy life was his wife. There had been a time where the two of them were inseparable, but it had long-since passed. Now, because he was too busy with work and keeping order to give her the attention that she deserved—and he certainly agreed that she deserved it—she had grown cold with him, always finding excuses to avoid spending nights doing more than merely sleeping in each other's company.

On the other side of the coin was None, who had become an important ally to him. She was able to get things done, and she seemed to share his vision for the future. People like that were in short supply, and in high demand. He was lucky that she came around as often as she did, always eager to talk to him and always eager to share the wealth that she had accumulated with the stunted Junktown economy. Apparently, the Vault that she had come from had refused to allow her back in once she had finished her mission. A part of him didn't believe that such a vault existed in the first place, and certainly that she hadn't hailed from it. How convenient it was that when the time came for her to return to it, she had been unable to. Still, he kept that part of himself from speaking up around her. With how helpful she had been, it would have been rude to question the truthfulness of the things that she said, especially when the truthfulness of them had little effect on him.

Pinching his nose, Killian laid a hand against his desk and let out a sigh. It had been a long day, and whenever he thought that he had made it past the brunt of the complications—complaints from settlers, inquisition from other settlements—another one rose up and proved to him that he hadn't seen the worst of it yet. To make things worse, he was also pent up. It had been months since he and his wife had anything close to intimacy. None had arrived a short while ago and was sitting on a chair by the door, waiting for him to finish what he had been working on so that they could talk. Killian could only hope that she, too, didn't want concessions from him. She tended not to. He wasn't worried, just hesitant.

"Alright," he spoke up. "I'm all finished here. What was it that you wanted?" he asked her, and she got up from the chair to stand by him.

"Sitting there for so long probably made it seem important," she admitted, with a laugh. "I just wanted to know if there's anything that you needed from me. You seem to have a lot on your plate."

"Ah," Killian replied. "I appreciate that." And he genuinely did. "I'd feel guilty pawning any of this onto you. I still owe you for the first favour." And he owed her for a lot more than just that one, too, but she always helped him without needing to be asked to and he felt as if the golden gift of having her so willing to assist him would be betrayed by him shining a light on just how much she had done for him over the months. People so willing to help out didn't come around very often, and to lose that wouldn't just affect him, but also the people he governed.

"Oh, right," None replied, crossing her arms. Killian raised an eyebrow at her but didn't say anything. If she wanted to be repaid, he'd prioritise that, as much as he was able to. "I guess you do." Looking around, she glimpsed at the guard standing by the door, then back at Killian. "Could we discuss that somewhere private?"

Killian furrowed his brow. He tried to avoid slipping out of the sight of his guards, where possible, not only because there were a good number of people that wanted him dead, but also because he prided himself on not being the sort of lawman to hide the conversations he had; he wanted people to know that he could be trusted. All the same, he eventually nodded.

"Sure," he replied, then led her into the back room of his office. As he shut the door behind them, he turned to face her. There was a look in her eye that he didn't recognise. He might have mistaken it for bloodlust if not for the fact that her hands were on her chest, unzipping her vault suit. His hand flew up to cover his vision and he turned his head to the side.

"What are you doing?" he asked her, backed up against the door and keeping his eyes covered so as to not betray her modesty, or his wife. Mostly the former. His loyalty to his wife and to the sanctity of marriage were strong, but they weren't immune; he wasn't immune, especially to the wiles of a woman he found attractive. Were it not for the dry spell...

"I've wanted this from the moment that I first saw you," None told him. She had stopped unzipping her suit just below the chest. She was showing off enough skin to make her intentions clear even if her words hadn't, but he wasn't even looking at her. She brought her hands up to hold both of his wrists and tugged his hands aside, getting him to look at her. "If you don't want to, I understand," she assured him, but leaned in all the same, her lips quickly approaching his, "but I really, really want you."

Killian froze stiff, in more ways than one. Every side of his brain that he paid attention to was telling him to push her away and to inform her that he wasn't interested in her like that. He had a wife. One part of him, though, the one responsible for the stiffness in his pants, that he rarely paid attention to, was telling him something completely different. That he should take the opportunity presented to him. That he needed it. That his wife hadn't been understanding of his busy schedule and that he had needs. Each thought that it fed him led to the same place, and he was so hard that to not pay attention to it was difficult. His eyes roamed her face, then the exposed skin of her chest—her tits weren't out in the open, but he could see enough of them that they might as well have been, right down to the darkened skin that surrounded her nipples.

Biting his lip, he closed his eyes and let out a sigh. "Is this really what you want?" he asked her, keeping his eyes shut. If she had second thoughts, he didn't want to give himself the temptation of looking at her.

"It is," she replied, a breathy and lustful tone that matched the way that she trembled; he could feel it against his wrists, how genuine her desire was. The part of him that wondered if he was being played didn't get very far with its concerns, not when he was so close to something so delicious. Before he could respond, she leaned up and kissed him on the lips, something that he wasn't prepared for. His eyes opened again, and he looked at her face, flushed with embarrassment as she kissed him. He wasn't kissing her back, and a short while after, she pulled away from the kiss with him.

"I'm married," he reminded her, before she leaned in to kiss him again; there was no moment spent looking at him, to see whether he was as interested as she was. Frankly, she didn't need to look at him to know that he was, but his hesitation wasn't lost on her. After the second kiss, she pulled back to respond.

"So?" she asked him, finally opening her eyes again. She licked her top lip as she gazed into his eyes. "Doesn't stop most. It's practically normal to have more than one lover." Killian didn't know how true that was. Perhaps she really was from a Vault, where that sort of thing was normal. He struggled to imagine it, but he was struggling to resist her even more than that. With a sigh, he closed his eyes again, turning his head to the side.

"Fine," he replied, looking at her again. "Just this once." His hands slipped free from her grasp as they could have done the entire time; her grip on him wasn't forceful, just suggestive. His hands moved to her waist, taking a moment to appreciate that he was doing something that, truthfully, he had thought about many times. Cheating on his wife? Having sex with the Vault Dweller? Both. Many times, each. Though he took pride in his loyalty, such a dry spell had made even his eyes wander, and they had often wandered in her direction, much as she had wandered in his. A stroke of luck that had a pull of its own; to deny her would be like spitting in the face of that luck.

None's eyes lit up and she kissed him again, and this time, he kissed her back. He didn't know much about her, other than that she had always worn a smile that felt genuine despite the dark bits and pieces he had gotten of her life leading up to walking through his door. She was strong, that much was obvious, and yet she seemed so delicate—she certainly felt delicate as his hands roamed her hips and sides. She kissed him the way that his wife once had, full of passion. Her tongue slipped into his mouth and she met it with his own, and then, once he felt brave enough, he let his tongue push into her mouth. The hands on her body worked their way up until he was holding her by the shoulders, and then he walked her backward, sitting her atop a crate nearby while he took his place between her legs and let one of his hands rise up to settle against the back of her head.

What kind of lover did she want him to be? The forceful type? The gentle type? He had played all sorts of roles before, but he didn't ask her. If she wanted him, she'd get him, not a front designed to bring her as much pleasure as possible. In reality, it was simply that he needed to satisfy his own desires, and if she was giving him an opportunity to do that, he wasn't going to let himself be polite. The other hand zipped her suit all the way down to her waist, and then he pulled away from the kiss as he revealed her tits properly. She was leaning back by then, pushing her chest up and flushing.

"You'll have to be careful not to make too much noise," he told her; it was a warning, even if it hadn't been worded as one. She simply nodded and brought one of her hands up to settle it against the back of his head, in his hair. He leaned down and pressed his face between her tits, then stayed there for a moment as he let out an exhale of satisfaction. His hands moved to press against her tits from either side, and after pushing them against his face he turned his head to kiss one of her nipples. The soft kiss gave way to a much firmer smooch and with his tongue pressed to the nub he began to suckle on it.

None's fingers weaved into his hair properly and she let out her first soft moan, trying to keep herself quiet as it slipped free. She was elated and trembling with desire. He sucked at her breast as if he needed to, then pulled away and gave the same attention to the other nipple, letting his tongue shadow his desire. She wasn't the only needy one. His fingers worked to pull the zip the rest of the way down, and then he reached up to slide it from her shoulders. She moved for him, lifting her lips up when she needed to, and then she bit her lip whilst looking at him, hoping that her eyes would convey her desire-filled wishes without her needing to put them into embarrassing words.

Luckily, what he had in mind happened to be exactly what she wanted. He pulled her suit the rest of the way off and then moved onto his knees, his hands returning to her legs and sliding along her thighs, on the outside. When he reached her hips, he leaned in between her legs and got his first look at her pussy. She was so wet that it was a wonder she hadn't cum already, he thought, but he'd fix that soon enough. He was repaying her, after all; while he might not have been able to control himself, it was only fair that she had fun.

Kissing her pussy at the top, he slipped his lips down until he reached her opening. His thumbs moved in and parted the lips open, and as he slipped his tongue out once more he took a broad lick of her entire slit, pushed between the folds to truly taste her. Flavourful and so wet that he'd never run out of opportunities to taste her. He could feel his cock threatening to burst out of his pants. Tilting his head up, he pressed his lips against her clit once more, now that her lips had been parted and he could get at it properly. His tongue bounced the nub for a few seconds before he wrapped his lips around it to give her clit a firm suck.

Once his tongue made its way back down to her opening again, he pulled her to the edge of the crate that she was sitting on and then pushed his tongue inside her, his chin pressing right up against her as he sought to push his tongue deep. He paid attention to the way that she trembled, which spots made her moan in certain ways, and once he had gotten to grips with which ones she liked the most he began to move between them, watching her budding pleasure with enthusiasm.

It wasn't long before she was overcome. She seemed to be holding out, perhaps worried that he would cut their encounter short once she had cum, but she needn't have worried about that. She was soon humping his face and gushing juices, her palm covering her mouth to stop her from letting out loud moans that would reveal just what the two of them were up to. Killian could tell that she was having trouble holding back, and though a part of him knew that it was dangerous to push her much further than he already was, there were just as many parts of him that wanted to make the most of this moment, this moment of desire and a total lack of inhibition. They didn't come around very often, after all.

Moving to his feet again, he wiped his mouth of her juices, but None leaned in and began to kiss his face clean for him. It didn't take long for that kissing to turn into licking, a lewd display of just how far she was willing to go in the name of desire; it made him even harder than he had been, which was no small feat. As his hands moved to her shoulders, he prepared to sit her back against the wall and prepare to fuck her, but she stopped him, placing a hand against his chest.

"Wait," she told him, with a devious grin. Killian raised an eyebrow at her but didn't protest. "I want to taste you, too," she finally explained, and she soon pushed him back until he hit the opposite wall, then sank down onto her knees in front of him. To be placed in such a position was a new feeling for Killian; even when they had been sexually active, his wife had rarely been so willing to simply take what he wanted. His cock tented his pants, but not for long; None soon unbuttoned and then unzipped them, and after she had pulled his cock free she wrapped her fingers around it at the base, then began to slowly stroke him.

"You're really hard, holy shit," she whispered, and Killian felt his cheeks flush although he wasn't ashamed of how excited he was.

"Is the commentary necessary?" he asked her, quietly, and she looked up at him with an impish smile.

"What? You don't like hearing about how nice your cock is?" she asked him, and he rolled his eyes before looking away, which gave her the perfect opportunity to surprise him by taking the tip of his cock into her warm, wet mouth—which, of course, she did. As soon as he looked at her again, she winked at him then closed her eyes, taking a moment to simply suck on the head of his cock while she worked to press her tongue against the tip. He was already leaking so much precum—plenty for her to lap up and enjoy, which she certainly did.

As her tongue worked around the tip, she slipped her lips further and further onto him. Her hands moved from the base of his cock to sit against his hips, and she used that grip on him to keep him steady while her lips found their way further and further onto him. Opening her eyes again, she let herself gaze at his face as she bobbed her head on the first couple of inches. Her tongue worked overtime against the tip, and then when she could no longer reach it because she had so much of his cock inside her mouth, she began to run it against the underside of his cock instead.

Her eyes remained on him as she took him deep, locking gazes with him whenever he looked at her and simply watching his face whenever he looked aside. She sucked and slurped on him, showing her eagerness in each movement that she made, and when she had to pull back to catch her breath she made sure that her tongue was still working against the tip, those hot and desperate breaths sending shivers through him; he might have been able to cum from that alone if she had kept it up, but it wasn't long before she sucked him further into her mouth once more, and that time, she took him deep. All the way to the base, after a few moments of working up to it. So warm and soft, all around his cock. Even men better than him would have cum right then and there, but Killian was spurred on by a desire to make the moment last for as long as possible. They'd only be enjoying each other's company this one time, after all. He couldn't afford to cum quickly.

Moving a hand against the back of her head, he had originally been intending to pull her back, but somewhere between the moment that his hand moved and when it finally slid into place against the back of her head, he was hit with the need to stay where he was, buried all the way inside her throat. He looked down at her and in his eyes, whether genuine or a result of lust clouding his thoughts, he saw her giving him permission to keep her right where she was, and then the hand against the back of her head took a firm grip, held her right there where she couldn't breathe and she had him completely inside her. She swallowed around him and it was clear that she needed to breathe, but she didn't protest. Killian closed his own eyes and let out a sharp sigh, his eyes rolling back behind their lids.

If he kept holding her there, he was going to cum. There was no doubt in his mind about it. He wanted to. He wanted to cum right down her throat, let her take all of him and have there be little evidence other than the dampness of her eyes that he had even been in her mouth at all, but he also wanted to fuck her, and he couldn't do both. Yanking back suddenly, he pulled his cock out of her mouth and throat and she began to pant for breath; she was keeping as quiet as possible, but there was only so much that she could do. She managed to avoid coughing, and as soon as she recovered, she looked up at him with a quizzical gaze.

"I thought you were going to cum," she stated. She almost sounded... disappointed? Licking her lips, she prepared to lean in again, but he was quick to reach down and pull her up and onto her feet. Once she was on them, he leaned in and kissed her on the lips, then lifted her up onto the crate again and moved between her legs. His cock was painfully hard as he aligned it with her opening, but None soon stopped him.

"What?" he asked her, sounding impatient, but he relented a moment later and spoke lower, less harsh. "What would you like?" he asked her, much softer.

"I want you to do me from behind," she told him, her hands raising up to cup the sides of his face before she gave him another kiss, and then she pulled away to turn around, bending over the crate. Killian didn't ask her for an explanation, and he soon aligned himself with her pussy once more, from behind. His free hand settled on her ass and gave it an eager squeeze, but it wasn't long before he pushed himself inside, parting her folds and pushing his member into her eager, wet cunt. She began tightening around him right away, and his cock was girthy enough that she had to be careful not to push him out completely, or stop him from pushing any deeper, but the power behind his hips made up for that and he slid all the way in. His hips met her ass and he let out a sigh of desire. She let out a similar sound as her hands moved to the sides of the crate and she tried to keep herself steady.

"You can..." she began, before turning her head to look at him and biting her lip. "You can be rough. As rough as you want." It was a request, although it hadn't been worded as one, and Killian recognised it for what it really was. When he thrust a second time, he did so with enough force that his hips slapped against her ass properly, his cock filling her completely. She let out another eager noise and clasped her hand over her mouth, her eyes shutting tight. Killian moved one of his hands to hold onto her hips properly and for a time, the other simply sat by his side.

Moving his hips with urgency, he picked up a steady rhythm that had her quivering. She shut her eyes tight and pushed back against him when she could; she loved the feeling of him pressing against her each time that she bottomed out, and she made sure to press against him as firmly as she could, as if she was secretly hoping that she'd be able to will her pussy to take him even deeper than it was capable of taking him. His tip pressed to her womb each time that he bottomed out inside her, and as her hips ground against him she could feel him leaking into her, a warning for the deluge that was to follow.

"Harder," she whispered, and he began to move as directed without even a moment's delay. The slapping of his hips against her ass was much louder than any of the noises the two of them were making. Though their moans were stifled, they let themselves move without hesitance or concern. Killian could find some explanation for the noise later, he reasoned, though he was finding it hard to care about anything that wasn't his and her pleasure.

When his other hand moved up to grip her hair, she pressed back into his hand, a clear signal that she wanted to be manhandled; he could do that. He pulled her head back until he could lean in and kiss at the side of her face, and his hips picked up their speed to make up for not being able to pull as far out of her. She tightened around him once more; her orgasm was close but she willed herself to hold back a little longer, wondering whether he was as close as she was and that they could cum at the same time, but eventually it became too much for her and she simply had to let go. As it had the first time, pleasure spread throughout her and her body seemed to light up. Little sparks of their combined desire shot from her centre down her fingers, down her toes; the latter curled as she let out the loudest moan yet, then clasped her hand over her mouth hurriedly when she realised that it might have been too long. There wasn't much that she could do if it had been; she rode out her orgasm shamelessly and capturing each moan she gave with that palm, wet with her saliva.

By the time that she let her hand fall again, Killian had picked up the pace and was clearly close to cumming, too. She pushed back each time he thrust in to help him cum sooner, and she needed it right there and then. Her eyes conveyed that as she looked over her shoulder at him, and he captured her lips for a deep kiss when he hit his peak, his cock throbbing its last throbs against her womb while his hips shifted from hard thrusts to desperate grinding. When he burst inside her, her womb was ready for him; aching for him.

Rope after rope filled her until there was nowhere left for it to go, and Killian pulled his hips back a bit to make room, but None was quick to reach back and pull him close again, slamming her hips against him once more to make sure that he filled her completely. When he had no cum left to give, he withdrew from her slowly, in stages. By the time that he pulled out completely, she, too, was spent. She kissed him again as she reached for her panties and pulled them up, and the two kept on kissing time and time again throughout the various stages of their journey towards being somewhat presentable.

When the two parted for the last time, Killian hesitated. He looked at None and finished fixing his belt. "That was, uh..." he began, before realising that he didn't really know what question he was working towards. "Did you get what you were looking for?" he finally added.

"Yeah," she told him, with a smile. She looked much more presentable than him; barely a sign that they had fooled around at all, which he supposed was ideal, but it did make him wonder just how often she did things like this. Why did the idea of that bother him? He wasn't sure. In any case, the two soon left the backroom and Killian took a seat behind his desk again. His debt to her was settled. Would there be another time, despite his insistence that there wouldn't be? He wasn't sure, which probably meant that the answer was yes. Perhaps they wouldn't get the opportunity. Such was life in the wasteland.

After None had left, Killian looked towards his guard to see whether he could tell whether the guard had heard them or not. Once their gazes met, his guard spoke up.

"What did she want?" he asked, which made Killian feel secure in the idea that he didn't know anything. Now, all he had to do was answer that question in a way that wasn't suspicious.

"She's thinking about starting a settlement nearby," Killian explained, repeating information that she had given him once before. "She wanted to discuss trade."

The guard nodded, and whether he was convinced or not, Killian didn't know. Killian had always considered himself a happy person, at least in all the ways that mattered. The fun things that those who inhabited the old world did to pass the time simply weren't worth striving for, but he was always fed, and he was always as on top of his responsibilities as he could be, he thought. There in the backroom with None, a new desire had awakened inside him. One that he wouldn't be able to describe, perhaps ever. It was an odd desire. One for chaos and for a break from what a man more capable of reflection might have called monotony.

Wars, power struggles... they were fun, but they were dangerous. Cheating on his wife? Perhaps that was a way for him to have his cake, and eat it, too. In doing so, unbeknownst to him, he mirrored the men responsible for the wasteland he lived in. Humanity evolves, and adapts, but it never truly changes.