- Abandonshipping (Gozaburo Kaiba x Noa Kaiba x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Absenceshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Ryouta Kajiki | Mako Tsunami x Malik Ishtar)
- Admireshipping (Ghost Kotsuzaka | Bonz x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Adoptshipping (Gozaburo Kaiba x Seto Kaiba)
- Adviseshipping (Priestess Ishizu x Mana)
- Agileshipping (Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner x Vivian Wong)
- Airshipping (Thief King Bakura x Priest Shaada)
- Akinshipping (Sugoroku Mutou x Ryouta Kajiki | Mako Tsunami )
- Altershipping (Yami Marik x Malik Ishtar x Ryou Bakura)
- Amoshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Mai Valentine x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Anagramshipping (Priest Kalim x Malik Ishtar)
- Analogshipping (Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Ryou Bakura x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner)
- Angelshipping (Rafael x Ryou Bakura)
- Angstshipping (Malik Ishtar x Ryou Bakura)
- Annoyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Noa Kaiba)
- Anruishipping (Shaadii x Yuugi Mutou)
- Antagoshipping (Yami Bakura x Seto Kaiba)
- Apocalypshipping (Yami Malik x Seto Kaiba x Isis Ishtar)
- Apparishipping (Espa Roba x Ghost Kotsuzaka | Bonz)
- Apprenticeshipping (Priest Mahaad x Mana)
- Aptshipping (Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Isis Ishtar)
- Aquaintanceshipping (Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Espa Roba)
- Archaishipping (Pharaoh Atem x Priest Seto x Thief King Bakura)
- Ardentshipping (Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Argenshipping (Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Ryou Bakura)
- Aromashipping (Ryoutas Kajiki | Mako Tsunami x Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Katsuya Jounouchi)
- Arrogantshipping (Seto Kaiba x Mai Kujaku | Valentine)
- Artichokeshipping (Dark Malik x Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor )
- Ateloshipping (Bandit Keith Howard x Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus )
- Attachshipping (Kisara x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Atticshipping (Ryou Bakura x Mana)
- Avatarshipping (White Wizard Bakura x Change of Heart)
- Avishipping (Yami Yugi x Isis Ishtar)
- Awareshipping (Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin | Duke Devlin x Malik Ishtar x Ryou Bakura)
- Axisshipping (Seto Kaiba x Siegfried von Schroeder)
- Azureshipping (Seto Kaiba x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner)
YuGiOh Ship Challenge
DISCLAIMER: IDK if this actually is a challenge nor do I take credit for it.
Basically... try to write a ficlet/oneshot/fic whatever for each of the ships. Or draw it. Who cares. Go nuts.
- Babbleshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Kisara)
- Bakushipping (Thief King Bakura x Yami Bakura x Ryou Bakura)
- Balanceshipping (Shaadii x Isis Ishtar x Ryou Bakura)
- Balladshipping (Ryouta Kajiki | Mako Tsunami x Ryou Bakura x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler )
- Bananashipping (Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Malik Ishtar)
- Bandageshipping (Yami Bakura x Ryou Bakura x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler )
- Barbecueshipping (Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Ryouta Kajiki | Mako Tsunami )
- Barrenshipping (Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus | Maximillion Pegasus x Catherine)
- Barriershipping (Seto Kaiba x Yami Yuugi x Noa Kaiba)
- Barshipping (Bandit Keith Howard x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Yuugi Mutou)
- Batteryshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Yami Bakura x Ryou Bakura)
- Battleshipping (Seto Kaiba x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Yuugi Mutou)
- Bayshipping (Priest Seto x Noa Kaiba)
- Beachshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Ryouta Kajiki | Mako Tsunami x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler )
- Beehiveshipping (Mai Kujaku | Valentine x Rebecca Hawkins)
- Behalfshipping (Espa Roba x Ryou Bakura)
- Bereftshipping (Priest Set x Mana)
- Bickershipping (Malik Ishtar x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Seto Kaiba)
- Biteshipping (Seto Kaiba x Possessed Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Yuugi Mutou)
- Bittershipping (Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor )
- Bladeshipping (Pandora | Arkana x Yuugi Mutou)
- Blameshipping (Possessed Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Anzu Mazaki)
- Blankshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Shogo Aoyama (Movie Char))
- Blessedshipping (Priest Mahaado x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler )
- Blindshipping (Pharaoh Atem x Yuugi Mutou)
- Blockshipping (Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Blondshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Mai Kujaku | Valentine x Rafael)
- Bloodshipping (Yami Marik x Gozaburo Kaiba)
- Blueshipping (Seto Kaiba x Kisara)
- Bondageshipping (Yami Marik x Ryuuji Otogi)
- Boothshipping (Bandit Keith Howard x Seto Kaiba x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler )
- Bounceshipping (Ryou Bakura x Rebecca Hawkins)
- Boundshipping (Thief King Bakura x Yuugi Mutou)
- Boxshipping (Mokuba Kaiba x Anzu Mazaki)
- Breathshipping (Shaadii x Cyndia | Cecelia Pegasus)
- Bribeshipping (Mai Kujaku | Valentine x Dinosaur Ryuzaki | Rex Raptor )
- Bronzeshipping (Yami Marik x Malik Ishtar)
- Bruiseshipping (Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Dinosaur Ryuzaki | Rex Raptor )
- Brutalshipping (Bandit Keith Howard x Dinosaur Ryuzaki | Rex Raptor )
- Buddyshipping (Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler)
- Buffershipping (Yami Malik x Mokuba Kaiba x Seto Kaiba)
- Burntshipping (Bandit Keith Howard x Yami Yuugi x Yuugi Mutou)
- Butterflyshipping (Ryou Bakura x Mai Kujaku | Valentine x Anzu Mazaki)
- Cageshipping (Yami Bakura x Yami Yuugi x Malik Ishtar
- Cakeshipping (Cyndia | Cecelia Pegasus x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Candleshipping (Yami Bakura x Seto Kaiba x Ryou Bakura)
- Cardshipping (Sugoroku | Solomon Mutou x Yuugi Mutou)
- Careshipping (Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler x Yuugi Mutou)
- Carmenshipping (Yami Malik x Yami Bakura x Seto Kaiba)
- Carnivalshipping (Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin x Espa Roba)
- Casteshipping (Pharaoh Atem x Thief King Bakura)
- Castleshipping (Priest Seto x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Seto Kaiba)
- Cavaliershipping (Yami Yuugi x Rebecca Hawkins)
- Ceaseshipping (Yami Malik x Miho Nosaka)
- Ceoshipping (Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Seto Kaiba x Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin)
- Challengeshipping (Siegfried von Schroeder x Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin)
- Chanceshipping (Seto Kaiba x Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin x Yuugi Mutou)
- Changeshipping (Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin x Malik Ishtar)
- Chaosshipping (Priest Seto x Thief King Bakura x Yami Bakura x Seto Kaiba)
- Charmshipping (Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler x Mana)
- Chaseshipping (Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin)
- Cheatshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Espa Roba)
- Cheershipping (Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Cherryshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Amane Bakura)
- Chibishipping (Yuugi Mutou x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Chimeshipping (Thief King Bakura x Malik Ishtar x Mai Kujaku | Valentine)
- Chuteshipping (Pharaoh Atem x Kisara)
- Circleshipping (Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Miho Nosaka)
- Citronshipping (Thief King Bakura x Malik Ishtar)
- Clashshipping (Yami Malik x Yami Yuugi)
- Clearshipping (Seto Kaiba x Yuugi Mutou x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Cliffshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler 's father x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler )
- Clingshipping (Yuugi Mutou x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Cloudshipping (Noa Kaiba x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Clovershipping (Noa Kaiba x Kisara)
- Coastershipping (Dinosaur Ryuzaki | Rex Raptor x Espa Roba)
- Cobaltshipping (Priest Seto x Seto Kaiba x Kisara)
- Coerceshipping (Strings x Ghost Kotsuzaka | Bonz )
- Coinshipping (Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner x Miho Nosaka)
- Commitshipping (Priest Seto x Priestess Isis x Seto Kaiba x Isis Ishtar)
- Companyshipping (Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Dartz x Siegfried von Schroeder x Seto Kaiba x Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin)
- Conceitshipping (Yami Bakura x Mai Kujaku | Valentine)
- Conditionshipping (Gozaburo Kaiba x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Conflictshipping (Varon x Mai Kujaku | Valentine x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler )
- Conquestshipping (Varon x Mai Kujaku | Valentine)
- Conscriptshipping (Gozaburo Kaiba x Seto Kaiba x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Conspireshipping (Yami Malik x Yami Bakura x Malik Ishtar x Ryou Bakura)
- Controlshipping (Malik Ishtar x Noa Kaiba)
- Copeshipping (Bandit Keith Howard x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Copyshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Mai Kujaku | Valentine x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner)
- Corruptshipping (Thief King Bakura x Priest Seto)
- Counselshipping (Yami Yuugi x Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin x Isis Ishtar)
- Covershipping (Bandit Keith Howard x Pandora | Arkana)
- Covetshipping (Pharaoh Atem x Priest Seto x Priest Mahaado)
- Creamshipping (Thief King Bakura x Yami Bakura x Ryou Bakura x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler )
- Creepshipping (Insector Haga | Weevil Underwood x Ghost Kotsuzaka | Bonz )
- Crestshipping (Seto Kaiba x Isis Ishtar x Shaadii)
- Crosshipping (Yami Malik x Yuugi Mutou)
- Crownshipping (Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner)
- Crushshipping (Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Crypticshipping (Shaadii x Rishid | Odion)
- Crystalshipping (Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner x Mana)
- Cultshipping(Malik Ishtar x Ghoul/Rare Hunter(s))
- Cunishipping (Mai Kujaku | Valentine x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Curveshipping (Rishid | Odion x Malik Ishtar x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler )
- Cuteshipping (Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeleri x Rebecca Hawkins)
- Danceshipping (Mai Kujaku | Valentine x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner)
- Dangershipping (Yami Malik x Seto Kaiba)
- Yamishipping (Yami Bakura x Yami Yuugi)
- Dashshipping (Miho Nosaka x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Dealshipping (Yami Bakura x Ryou Bakura x Amane Bakura)
- Deathshipping (Yami Malik x Ryou Bakura)
- Dedicationshipping (Rishid | Odion x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner)
- Defershipping (Shaadii x Malik Ishtar)
- Deignshipping (Shaadii x Yami Yuugi x Yuugi Mutou)
- Deishipping (Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Noa Kaiba)
- Delusionshipping (Pandora | Arkana x Catherine)
- Demiseshipping (Bandit Keith Howard x Isis Ishtar x Malik Ishtar)
- Denyshipping (Yami Bakura x Yami Yuugi x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner)
- Depthshipping (Gozaburo Kaiba x Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus)
- Devotionshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner)
- Diamondshipping (Yami Malik x Yami Bakura x Mai Kujaku | Valentine)
- Diceshipping (Yami Bakura x Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin)
- Digshipping (Arthur Hawkins x Ryou Bakura)
- Distrustshipping (Seto Kaiba x Shaadii)
- Divulgeshipping (Yami Malik x Thief King Bakura x Pharaoh Atem)
- Dollshipping (Yami Bakura x Dark Necrofear)
- Domashipping (Rafael x Amelda x Varon)
- Doodleshipping (Rebecca Hawkins x Amane Bakura)
- Doomshipping (Yami Malik x Yami Bakura x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Doubtshipping (Seto Kaiba x Malik Ishtar x Ryou Bakura)
- Downshipping (Bandit Keith Howard x Cyndia | Cecelia Pegasus)
- Dragonshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Yami Yuugi)
- Dramashipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Ryouta Kajiki | Mako Tsunami)
- Dreamshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Yuugi Mutou x Mai Kujaku | Valentine)
- Dripshipping (Ryouta Kajiki | Mako Tsunami x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner)
- Driveshipping (Malik Ishtar x Mai Kujaku | Valentine)
- Droidshipping (Yami Yuugi x Strings)
- Dulcetshipping (Mai Kujaku | Valentine x Isis Ishtar x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Dungeonshipping (Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin)
- Duskshipping (Malik Ishtar x Kisara)
- Dustshipping (Yami Malik x Catherine)
- Dynamicshipping (Ryouta Kajiki | Mako Tsunami x Rebecca Hawkins)
- Ecoshipping (Ryouta Kajiki | Mako Tsunami x Insector Haga | Weevil Underwood)
- Egoshipping (Bandit Keith Howard x Seto Kaiba x Mai Kujaku | Valentine)
- Eldritchshipping (Zorc Necrophades x Horakhty)
- Eliteshipping (Bandit Keith Howard x Seto Kaiba)
- Enchantshipping (Honda x Yami Magician Girl)
- Enigmashipping (Priest Shaada x Shaadii)
- Envyshipping (Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner x Rebecca Hawkins)
- Ettushipping (Seto Kaiba x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Mai Kujaku | Valentine)
- Euroshipping (Seto Kaiba x Ryou Bakura)
- Evilshipping (Yami Malik x Yami Bakura x Rebecca Hawkins)
- Executeshipping (Yami Malik x Shaadii)
- Exodushipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Yuugi Mutou x Insector Haga | Weevil Underwood)
- Exoticshipping (Yami Bakura x Isis Ishtar)
- Eyeshipping (Yami Bakura x Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus)
- Fadeshipping (Yami Malik x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler )
- Fairyshipping (Mokuba Kaiba x Leon von Schroeder)
- Fakeshipping (Yami Malik x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Malik Ishtar)
- Fallenshipping (Pandora | Arkana x Malik Ishtar)
- Falseshipping (The Doll x Catherine)
- Faltershipping (Ghost Kotsuzaka | Bonz x Rebecca Hawkins)
- Fameshipping (Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin x Vivian Wong)
- Farsideshipping (Rishid | Odion x Yami Marik x Malik Ishtar x Isis Ishtar)
- Fataleshipping (Mai Kujaku | Valentine x Vivian Wong)
- Fateshipping (Rafael x Yami Yuugi)
- Faultshipping (Seto Kaiba x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Fawnshipping (Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Insector Haga | Weevil Underwood)
- Fearshipping (Yami Malik x Isis Ishtar)
- Feathershipping (Yami Yuugi x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Yuugi Mutou)
- Feignshipping (Yami Malik x Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin)
- Femmeshipping (Mai Kujaku | Valentine x Isis Ishtar x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner)
- Fetishipping (Yami Malik x Malik Ishtar x Yami Bakura)
- Figureshipping (Isis Ishtar x Mai Kujaku | Valentine x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Fillershipping (Noa Kaiba x Rebecca Hawkins)
- Flareshipping (Seto Kaiba x Yami Yuugi x Yuugi Mutou)
- Flickshipping (Yami Mask x Light Mask x Yami Yuugi x Seto Kaiba)
- Flippantshipping (Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin x Mai Kujaku | Valentine)
- Flipshipping (Seto Kaiba x Noa Kaiba x Yuugi Mutou)
- Flirtshipping (Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Mana)
- Floatshipping (Thief King Bakura x Priestess Isis)
- Flowshipping (Priestess Isis x Kisara)
- Flurryshipping (Ryou Bakura x Yuugi Mutou x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Fogshipping (Seto Kaiba x Ryouta Kajiki | Mako Tsunami)
- Fontshipping (Malik Ishtar x Ryouta Kajiki | Mako Tsunami)
- Foreignshipping (Leonhart von Schroeder x Rebecca Hopkins)
- Foreshipping (Isis Ishtar x Yuugi Mutou)
- Forgiveshipping (Thief King Bakura x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Forlornshipping (Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Pandora | Arkana)
- Fossilshipping (Dinosaur Ryuzaki | Rex Raptor x Ghost Kotsuzaka | Bonz )
- Fractureshipping (Thief King Bakura x Yami Malik x Yami Bakura x Malik Ishtar x Ryou Bakura)
- Fragileshipping (Yami Yuugi x Ryou Bakura)
- Frazzleshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Rebecca Hawkins)
- Furyshipping (Yami Malik x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Seto Kaiba x Yami Yuugi)
- Gainshipping (Yami Yuugi x Ryouta Kajiki | Mako Tsunami)
- Gambleshipping (Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Isis Ishtar)
- Gameshipping (Yami Yuugi x Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin)
- Gangshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Hirutani)
- Gardenshipping (Siegfried von Schroeder x Ishizu Ishtar)
- Geminishipping (Thief King Bakura x Yami Bakura)
- Gemshipping (Thief King Bakura x Ryou Bakura)
- Genesisshipping (People of Kul Elna x each other)
- Gentianshipping (Malik Ishtar x Isis Ishtar x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Gentleshipping (Valon x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeleri)
- Ghostshipping (Noa Kaiba x Ghost Kotsuzaka | Bonz x Amane Bakura)
- Giftshipping (Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Yuugi Mutou x Miho Nosaka)
- Gingershipping (Bandit Keith Howard x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Glasshipping (Thief King Bakura x Shaadii)
- Glittershipping (Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner x Kisara)
- Gothshipping (Ryou Bakura x Ghost Kotsuzaka | Bonz )
- Graceshipping (Ryou Bakura x Isis Ishtar)
- Gravityshipping (Thief King Bakura x Malik Ishtar x Ryou Bakura)
- Greedshipping (Ushio x Yuugi Mutou)
- Grudgeshipping (Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Seto Kaiba x Yuugi Mutou)
- Guardianshipping (Rafael x Ishizu Ishtar)
- G*pshipping [ITS NOW REDEYESHIPPING PLS DONT CALL IT G*PSHIPPING] (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Dinosaur Ryuzaki | Rex Raptor)
- Halfshipping (Ryou Bakura x Miho Nosaka)
- Hallucinoshipping (Pandora | Arkana x Noa Kaiba)
- Hangshipping (Yami Bakura x Bandit Keith Howard x Seto Kaiba)
- Hateshipping (Pharaoh Atem x Yami Bakura)
- Hauntshipping (Yami Malik x Ghost Kotsuzaka | Bonz )
- Hazelshipping (Ryou Bakura x Yuugi Mutou x Isis Ishtar)
- Hazeshipping (Ryouta Kajiki | Mako Tsunami x Ryou Bakura)
- Headdressshipping (Priest Seto x Priest Mahaado)
- Heartshipping (Ryou Bakura x Yuugi Mutou)
- Hedgehogshipping (Yami Malik x Ryouta Kajiki | Mako Tsunami)
- Hellshipping (Satake | Zygor x Takaido | Sid x Ghost Kotsuzaka | Bonz )
- Heroshipping (Jean Claude Magnum x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler )
- Hideshipping (Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Yuugi Mutou)
- Hieroglyphshipping (Priest Set x Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus)
- Hikarishipping (Malik Ishtar x Ryou Bakura x Yuugi Mutou)
- Holeshipping (Yami Yuugi x Seto Kaiba x Malik Ishtar)
- Honorshipping (Ryouta Kajiki | Mako Tsunami x Yami Yuugi x Yuugi Mutou)
- Hopeshipping (Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner x Ryou Bakura x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Hostageshipping (Seto Kaiba x Witty Phantom)
- Hostshipping (Ryou Bakura x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner)
- Huntshipping (Rishid | Odion x Malik Ishtar x Yami Bakura x Ryou Bakura)
- Hydrashipping (Ryouta Kajiki | Mako Tsunami x Dinosaur Ryuzaki | Rex Raptor)
- Identityshipping (Rishid | Odion x Ryou Bakura)
- Idolshipping (Bandit Keith Howard x Ghost Kotsuzaka | Bonz )
- Illogicshipping (Seto Kaiba x Isis Ishtar x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Illusionshipping (Yami Malik x Mai Kujaku | Valentine)
- Immatureshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Noa Kaiba)
- Imoutoshipping (Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler x Amane Bakura)
- Impulseshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Mana)
- Incestshipping (Seto Kaiba x Isis Ishtar x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Mokuba Kaiba x Malik Ishtar x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Insightshipping (Priest Seto x Ishizu Ishtar)
- Intentshipping (Yami Bakura x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Interfereshipping (Yami Malik x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Mai Kujaku | Valentine)
- Intimidashipping (Bandit Keith Howard x Yuugi Mutou)
- Intrigueshipping (Priest Akunadin x Priest Seto)
- Invalidshipping (Shaadii x Ryou Bakura)
- Irateshipping (Malik Ishtar x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler )
- Issueshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Seto Kaiba x Isis Ishtar)
- Itemshipping (Yami Yuugi x Seto Kaiba x Isis Ishtar)
- Jackalshipping (Shaadii x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler )
- Jadeshipping (Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin x Isis Ishtar)
- Jasmineshipping (Thief King Bakura x Kisara x Malik Ishtar)
- Jeershipping (Valon x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler )
- Jiishipping (Sugoroku | Solomon Mutou x Arthur Hawkins)
- Jinxshipping (Yami Bakura x Dark Magician Girl)
- Jointshipping (Yami Malik x Dark Magician Girl)
- Kashipping (Diabound x Blue Eyes White Dragon)
- Kaibashipping (Gozaburo Kaiba x Noa Kaiba x Seto Kaiba x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Kamenshipping (Yami Mask x Light Mask)
- Kamishipping (Seto Kaiba x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Yami Yuugi)
- Kickshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin)
- Kiddyshipping (Mokuba Kaiba x Rebecca Hawkins)
- Kindleshipping (Seto Kaiba x Isis Ishtar x Malik Ishtar)
- Kittenshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Dark Magician Girl)
- Kleptoshipping (Yami Bakura x Yuugi Mutou)
- Kyoudaishipping (Pharaoh Atem x Mana x Priest Mahaado)
- Labelshipping (Insector Haga | Weevil Underwood x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Labyrinthshipping (Para x Dox)
- Lackeyshipping (Crocketts x Isono)
- Laddershipping (Yami Bakura x Zorc Necrophades)
- Lamentshipping (Priest Mahaad x Mana x Priestess Ishizu)
- Lateshipping (Yami Bakura x Amane Bakura)
- Lavendershipping (Malik Ishtar x Siegfried von Schroeder)
- Lawshipping (Priest Akunadin x Priestess Isis)
- Leadshipping (Bandit Keith Howard x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Yami Yuugi)
- Leafshipping (Yami Yuugi x Ushio)
- Leathershipping (Bandit Keith Howard x Yami Yuugi)
- Liberashipping (Malik Ishtar x Yuugi Mutou)
- Liftshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin x Mai Kujaku | Valentine)
- Lineshipping (Seto Kaiba x Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Miho Nosaka)
- Lingershipping (Pharaoh Atemu x Priestess Isis)
- Linkshipping (Priest Seto x Yuugi Mutou)
- Logicshipping (Priest Seto x Priestess Isis)
- Lonershipping (Thief King Bakura x Mai Kujaku | Valentine)
- Loquashipping (Kisara x Rebecca Hawkins)
- Losshipping (Dinosaur Ryuzaki | Rex Raptor x Espa Roba x Insector Haga | Weevil Underwood)
- Lotusshipping (Seto Kaiba x Noa Kaiba x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Lovelessshipping (Dartz x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Loyaltyshipping (Yami Yuugi x Priest Mahaado)
- Lynchshipping [ITS BEEN RENAMED STEALSHIPPING PLS USE THAT] (Thief King Bakura x Yami Malik x Malik Ishtar)
- Mageshipping (Priest Mahaado x Ryou Bakura)
- Mahoshipping (Pandora | Arkana x Espa Roba)
- Mainshipping (Seto Kaiba x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Yami Yuugi x Yuugi Mutou)
- Mallowshipping (Ryou Bakura x Isis Ishtar x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Manipulashipping (Malik Ishtar x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner)
- Marbleshipping (Dinosaur Ryuzaki | Rex Raptor x Ryou Bakura)
- Marshipping (Rishid | Odion x Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus)
- Maskedshipping (Yami Mask x Light Mask x Pandora | Arkana)
- Mastershipping (Seto Kaiba x Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin)
- Measureshipping (Priest Kalim x Priest Shada)
- Mechashipping (Bandit Keith Howard x Espa Roba)
- Mentorshipping (Sugoroku | Solomon Mutou x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler )
- Mercyshipping (Ryou Bakura x Cyndia | Cecelia Pegasus)
- Messageshipping (Yami Yuugi x Yuugi Mutou x Seto Kaiba x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Messiahshipping (Pharaoh Atem x Horakhty)
- Midriffshipping (Malik Ishtar x Amelda)
- Midshipping (Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Yuugi Mutou)
- Mindslaveshipping (Bandit Keith Howard x The Doll)
- Minokenshipping (Priest Seto x Priest Kalim)
- Minorshipping (Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin x Ryou Bakura)
- Mintshipping (Espa Roba x Insector Haga | Weevil Underwood)
- Mirrorshipping (Seto Kaiba x Noa Kaiba)
- Misanthroshipping (Thief King Bakura x Yami Malik x Yami Bakura)
- Mischiefshipping (Thief King Bakura x Mana)
- Misguideshipping (Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin x Rebecca Hawkins)
- Mistakenshipping (Yuugi Mutou x Mana)
- Mistshipping (Ryouta Kajiki | Mako Tsunami x Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin)
- Mizushipping (Priest Seto x Kisara)
- Mnemoshipping (Yami Yuugi x Malik Ishtar)
- Mobiumshipping (Pharaoh Atemu x Yami Yuugi x Yuugi Mutou)
- Monarchshipping (Pharaoh Atemu x Yami Yuugi)
- Moralshipping (Priest Mahaado x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner)
- Morishipping (Yami Bakura x Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor)
- Motivateshipping (Bandit Keith Howard x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Mai Kujaku | Valentine)
- Motorshipping (Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Malik Ishtar x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler )
- Muddleshipping (Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Seto Kaiba x Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin x Ryou Bakura x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Mumbleshipping (Seto Kaiba x Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin x Ryou Bakura)
- Mysteryshipping (Shaadii x Amane Bakura)
- Mystshipping (Isis Ishtar x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner)
- Mythshipping (Isis Ishtar x Malik Ishtar)
- Naiveshipping (Ryou Bakura x Yuugi Mutou x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner)
- Nakamashipping (Yuugi Mutou x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner x Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor)
- Necroshipping (Yami Malik x Yami Bakura x Ryou Bakura)
- Negateshipping (Yami Malik x Rishid | Odion)
- Nellshipping (Noa Kaiba x Amane Bakura)
- Nightshipping (Yami Bakura x Kisara)
- Ninjashipping (Jean Claude Magnum x Mai Kujaku | Valentine)
- Noteshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner)
- Nurseshipping (Mai Kujaku | Valentine x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Obscureshipping (Shaadii x Isis Ishtar)
- Obstinateshipping (Seto Kaiba x Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin)
- Occultshipping (Yami Bakura x Ghost Kotsuzaka | Bonz )
- Offbeatshipping (Yami Malik x Isis Ishtar x Malik Ishtar)
- Offershipping (Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin x Yuugi Mutou)
- Oliveshipping (Priest Kalim x Rishid | Odion)
- Opticshipping (Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Oracleshipping (Ishizu Ishtar x Rebecca Hawkins)
- Orchidshipping (Cyndia | Cecelia Pegasus x Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin)
- Orchisshipping (Isis Ishtar x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Ordershipping (Malik Ishtar x Possessed Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler )
- Outcastshipping (Thief King Bakura x Kisara)
- Overlookshipping (Espa Roba x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Orichalcosshipping (Orichalcos Yami Yugi x Orichalcos Rafael)
- Paleshipping (Kisara x Amane Bakura)
- Parasiteshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Insector Haga | Weevil Underwood)
- Passionshipping (Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler )
- Pastelshipping (Malik Ishtar x Espa Roba)
- Peachshipping (Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner x Yuugi Mutou)
- Pedocestshipping (Espa Roba x Ryouri)
- Persevereshipping (Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner)
- Personashipping (Rishid | Odion x Seto Kaiba)
- Pervadeshipping (Cyndia | Cecelia Pegasus x Amane Bakura)
- Pervertshipping (Sugoroku | Solomon Mutou x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner)
- Pestshipping (Insector Haga | Weevil Underwood x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner)
- Petshipping (Seto Kaiba x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin)
- Phantomshipping (Noa Kaiba x Cyndia | Cecelia Pegasus x Amane Bakura)
- Philtreshipping (Yami Bakura x Mana)
- Pillowshipping (Dinosaur Ryuzaki | Rex Raptor x Insector Haga | Weevil Underwood x Mai Kujaku | Valentine)
- Pixelshipping (Noa Kaiba x Adina)
- Placateshipping (Ryou Bakura x Kisara)
- Platinumshipping (Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Kisara)
- Pleashipping (Priest Mahaado x Priestess Isis)
- Plundershipping (Yami Bakura x Yami Yuugi x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler )
- Poemshipping (Yuugi Mutou x Miho Nosaka)
- Polarshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Mai Kujaku | Valentine)
- Pompshipping (Seto Kaiba x Miho Nosaka)
- Possessedshipping (Possessed Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Possessed Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner)
- Powdershipping (Seto Kaiba x Ryou Bakura x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Powershipping (Seto Kaiba x Malik Ishtar)
- Prankshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Seto Kaiba x Noa Kaiba x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Pressureshipping (Satake | Zygor x Ghost Kotsuzaka | Bonz )
- Prideshipping (Seto Kaiba x Yami Yuugi)
- Prizeshipping (Seto Kaiba x Mokuba Kaiba x Yami Yuugi)
- Prodigyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Rebecca Hawkins)
- Promiseshipping (Yami Yuugi x Yuugi Mutou x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Prongshipping (Priest Seto x Insector Haga | Weevil Underwood)
- Prophetshipping (Isis Ishtar x Espa Roba)
- Protectshipping (Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Ryou Bakura)
- Psycheshipping (Mai Kujaku | Valentine x Espa Roba)
- Psychoshipping (Yami Malik x Yami Bakura)
- Puddleshipping (Ryouta Kajiki | Mako Tsunami x Kisara)
- Puffshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Ryou Bakura)
- Pullshipping (Bandit Keith Howard x Yami Bakura x Malik Ishtar)
- Puppetshipping (Malik Ishtar x Strings)
- Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler )
- Punchshipping (Thief King Bakura x Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor)
- Pushshipping (Noa Kaiba x Seto Kaiba x Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin)
- Puzzleshipping (Yami Yuugi x Yuugi Mutou)
- Razorshipping (Pandora | Arkana x Yami Yuugi)
- Reachshipping (Priest Kalim x Priestess Isis)
- Reboundshipping (Dark Necrofear x Dark Magician Girl)
- Redeemshipping (Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Yami Yuugi)
- Redeyeshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Dinosaur Ryuzaki | Rex Raptor) [Formerly G*pshipping]
- Refineshipping (Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Mai Kujaku | Valentine)
- Reflectshipping (Rebecca Hawkins x Vivian Wong)
- Refuseshipping (Malik Ishtar's father x Rishid | Odion)
- Regalshipping (Yami Yuugi x Mai Kujaku | Valentine)
- Regresshipping (Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Cyndia | Cecelia Pegasus x Pandora | Arkana x Catherine)
- Rehabshipping (Seto Kaiba x Yuugi Mutou x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner)
- Relyshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Rendershipping (Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Seto Kaiba x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler )
- Renegadeshipping (Thief King Bakura x Diabound)
- Replaceshipping (Gozaburo Kaiba x Noa Kaiba x Seto Kaiba)
- Replayshipping (Yuugi Mutou x Rebecca Hawkins)
- Rerunshipping (Yami Bakura x Noa Kaiba)
- Rescueshipping (Kisara x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Resistshipping (Yuugi Mutou x Shogo)
- Respectshipping (Yami Yuugi x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Resurrectshipping (Catherine x Cyndia | Cecelia Pegasus)
- Revenantshipping (Yami Yuugi x Amane Bakura)
- Revertshipping (Priest Seto x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler )
- Revolutionshipping (Yami Yuugi x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner)
- Rewindshipping (Priest Seto x Yami Yuugi)
- Rhythmshipping (Para x Dox x Yami Yuugi x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler )
- Ribbonshipping (Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin x Miho Nosaka)
- Riddleshipping (Para x Dox x Yami Yuugi)
- Riftshipping (Thief King Bakura x Ryou Bakura x Yuugi Mutou)
- Ringshipping (Thief King Bakura x Priest Mahaado)
- Ripshipping (Thief King Bakura x Isis Ishtar)
- Riskshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Rivalshipping (Seto Kaiba x Yuugi Mutou)
- Rivetshipping (Bandit Keith Howard x Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Rishid | Odion)
- Roseshipping (Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Cyndia | Cecelia Pegasus)
- Royalshipping (Priest Set x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner)
- Rougeshipping (Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus X Siegfried von Schroeder)
- Ruffleshipping (Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Ruseshipping (Rishid | Odion x Malik Ishtar)
- Rustshipping (Yami Malik x Thief King Bakura x Ryou Bakura)
- Sacrificeshipping (Amelda x Valon)
- Safetyshipping (Yami Bakura x Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Ryou Bakura)
- Saffronshipping (Malik Ishtar x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Mai Kujaku | Valentine)
- Sailshipping (Ryouta Kajiki | Mako Tsunami x Mai Kujaku | Valentine)
- Scaleshipping (Shaadii x Priest Kalim)
- Scandalshipping (Priest Seto x Pharaoh Atem)
- Scarshipping (Thief King Bakura x Rishid | Odion)
- Scissorshipping (Miho Nosaka x Isis Ishtar)
- Screamshipping (Yami Bakura x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Screechshipping (Mai Kujaku | Valentine x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner x Rebecca Hawkins)
- Sealshipping (Pharaoh Atem x Priest Mahaado)
- Searchshipping (Yami Malik x Rishid | Odion x Malik Ishtar x Isis Ishtar)
- Secondshipping (Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Dinosaur Ryuzaki | Rex Raptor)
- Sedateshipping (Malik Ishtar x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Seershipping (Priestess Isis x Isis Ishtar)
- Sepulchershipping (Yami Bakura x Rishid | Odion)
- Serpentshipping (YamiBakura x Dartz)
- Servantshipping (Yami Yuugi x Mana)
- Shabonshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Ryouta Kajiki | Mako Tsunami x Noa Kaiba)
- Shackleshipping (Malik Ishtar x Mai Kujaku | Valentine x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Shadeshipping (Thief King Bakura x Amane Bakura)
- Shadowshipping (Yami Yuugi x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Shakeshipping (Takaido | Sid x Ghost Kotsuzaka | Bonz )
- Shameshipping (Rishid | Odion x Malik Ishtar x Isis Ishtar)
- Shieldshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Seto Kaiba x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Shimmershipping (Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Shinkanshipping (Priest Akunadin x Priest Kalim x Priest Mahaado x Priest Seto x Priest Shaada x Priestess Isis)
- Shinshipping (Possessed Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Yami Yuugi)
- Shivershipping (Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler x Mana)
- Shoreshipping (Ryouta Kajiki | Mako Tsunami x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Shotshipping (Bandit Keith Howard x Ryou Bakura)
- Shredshipping (Sugoroku | Solomon Mutou x Kisara)
- Shrimpshipping (Dinosaur Ryuzaki | Rex Raptor x Insector Haga | Weevil Underwood)
- Shroudshipping (Pharaoh Atem x Thief King Bakura x Priestess Isis)
- Siblingshipping (Mokuba Kaiba x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Sickleshipping (Yami Malik x Thief King Bakura)
- Sideshipping (Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Sightshipping (Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Isis Ishtar)
- Sigilshipping (YamiMalik x Dartz)
- Silentshipping (Seto Kaiba x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Silvershipping (Sugoroku | Solomon Mutou x Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus)
- Sinistershipping (Dartz x Pegasus)
- Sinkshipping (Pharaoh Atem x Amane Bakura)
- Sirenshipping (Yami Malik x Priest Seto)
- Slateshipping (Thief King Bakura x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner)
- Slaveshipping (Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Sleepshipping (Malik Ishtar x Possessed Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Rishid | Odion)
- Slickshipping (Priest Akunadin x Thief King Bakura)
- Slipshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Miho Nosaka)
- Slumbershipping (Ryou Bakura x Noa Kaiba)
- Snapshipping (Seto Kaiba x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Miho Nosaka)
- Snareshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin)
- Snarkshipping (Seto Kaiba x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor)
- Soarshipping (Dark Magician Girl x Spiria)
- Softshipping (Ryou Bakura x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Soloshipping (Rishid | Odion x Mai Kujaku | Valentine)
- Sombershipping (Ryou Bakura x Amane Bakura)
- Sororshipping (Isis Ishtar x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Spaceshipping (Yami Malik x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Sparkleshipping (Kisara x Mana)
- Spatshipping (Seto Kaiba x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Mokuba Kaiba x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Spazzshipping (Yami Bakura x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler )
- Spearshipping (Ryouta Kajiki | Mako Tsunami x Yuugi Mutou)
- Spiceshipping (Bandit Keith Howard x Seto Kaiba x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Spikeshipping (Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Yuugi Mutou)
- Spiritshipping (Yami Yuugi x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner x Yuugi Mutou)
- Spoilshipping (Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Rebecca Hawkins)
- Sprayshipping (Seto Kaiba x Ryouta Kajiki | Mako Tsunami x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Staffshipping (Malik Ishtar x Mana)
- Stageshipping (Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner x Dark Magician Girl)
- Stakeshipping (Bandit Keith Howard x Mai Kujaku | Valentine)
- Stalkshipping (Seto Kaiba x Ryou Bakura x Miho Nosaka)
- Standshipping (Rishid | Odion x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler )
- Starshipping (Seto Kaiba x Yami Yuugi x Ryuuji Otogi | Duke Devlin)
- Startleshipping (Bandit Keith Howard x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner)
- Staticshipping (Possessed Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Pandora | Arkana)
- Staunchshipping (Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Mana x Kisara)
- Stealshipping (Thief King Bakura x Bandit Keith Howard x Ryou Bakura)
- Steelshipping (Bandit Keith Howard x Yami Bakura)
- Stepshipping (Noa Kaiba x Mokuba Kaiba)(or Cybershipping)
- Stifleshipping (Yami Malik x Noa Kaiba)
- Stoicshipping (Priest Seto x Seto Kaiba)
- Stubbornshipping (Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Seto Kaiba)
- Sugarshipping (Mokuba Kaiba x Mana)
- Summonshipping (Yami Malik x Rishid | Odion x Malik Ishtar)
- Supplyshipping (Sugoroku | Solomon Mutou x Gozaburo Kaiba)
- Supportshipping (Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner)
- Sweetshipping (Ryou Bakura x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Swiftshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Isis Ishtar)
- Switchshipping (Mokuba Kaiba x Adina)
- Symbioshipping (Ryouta Kajiki | Mako Tsunami x Espa Roba)
- Tabloidshipping (Seto Kaiba x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Taintshipping (Seto Kaiba x Noa Kaiba x Ryou Bakura)
- Taleshipping (Siegfried von Schroeder x Leonhart von Schroeder)
- Tanshipping (Yami Malik x Ryouta Kajiki | Mako Tsunami x Malik Ishtar)
- Tangleshipping (Ryouta Kajiki | Mako Tsunami x Dinosaur Ryuzaki | Rex Raptor x Espa Roba x Insector Haga | Weevil Underwood)
- Taphoshipping (Father Ishtar x Mother Ishtar)
- Tasselshipping (Seto Kaiba x Espa Roba)
- Tauntshipping (Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Malik Ishtar x Yami Yuugi x Seto Kaiba)
- Teaseshipping (Seto Kaiba x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Ryou Bakura)
- Tendershipping (Yami Bakura x Ryou Bakura) *(sometimes called Stockholmshipping)
- Thiefshipping (Yami Bakura x Malik Ishtar)
- Thornshipping (Yami Malik x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner)
- Threadshipping (Yami Malik x Malik Ishtar x Strings x Yami Yuugi)
- Tieshipping (Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Miho Nosaka)
- Tiltshipping (Bandit Keith Howard x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Yuugi Mutou)
- Timeshipping (Pharaoh Atem x Seto Kaiba)
- Timidshipping (Yuugi Mutou x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Tipshipping (Sugoroku | Solomon Mutou x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Yuugi Mutou)
- Toonshipping (Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Seto Kaiba)
- Tornshipping (Yami Bakura x Ryou Bakura x Malik Ishtar)
- Toughshipping (Bandit Keith Howard x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler )
- Tourneyshipping (Yami Yuugi x Insector Haga | Weevil Underwood)
- Towershipping (Yami Malik x Seto Kaiba x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler )
- Trackshipping (Yami Bakura x Shaadii)
- Tradeshipping (Sugoroku | Solomon Mutou x Seto Kaiba)
- Tragedyshipping (Malik Ishtar x Amane Bakura)
- Tragicshipping (Bandit Keith Howard x Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Cyndia | Cecelia Pegasus) [crackershipping]
- Trapshipping (Yami Bakura x Yami Yuugi x Ryou Bakura x Yuugi Mutou)
- Trenchshipping (Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor x Insector Haga | Weevil Underwood)
- Trendshipping (Miho Nosaka x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Tributeshipping (Priest Mahaado x Kisara)
- Triumphshipping (Rafael x Guardian Eatos)
- Trustshipping (Seto Kaiba x Isis Ishtar)
- Tuftshipping (Dinosaur Ryuzaki | Rex Raptor x Mokuba Kaiba)
- Turbulenceshipping (Seto Kaiba x Yami Yuugi x Ryou Bakura)
- Twistedshipping (Shaadii x Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus)
- Unbelievableshipping (Strings x Amane Bakura)
- Unlikelyshipping (Malik Ishtar x Insector Haga | Weevil Underwood)
- Unlockshipping (Shaadii x Yami Yuugi)
- Vanishshipping (Pharaoh Atem x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner)
- Vaseshipping (Pharaoh Atem x Mana)
- Vassalshipping (Thief King Bakura x Dartz)
- Veershipping (Bandit Keith Howard x Isis Ishtar)
- Velcroshipping (Thief King Bakura x Insector Haga | Weevil Underwood)
- Vengeanceshipping (Bandit Keith Howard x Malik Ishtar)
- Vexshipping (Yami Bakura x Anzu Mazaki | Tea Gardner)
- Vigilshipping (Mai Kujaku | Valentine x Ryou Bakura)
- Villageshipping (Para x Dox x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler )
- Virtualshipping (Gozaburo Kaiba x Noa Kaiba)
- Visionshipping (Mai Kujaku | Valentine x Isis Ishtar)
- Vividshipping (Yuugi Mutou x Kisara)
- Vortexshipping (Pharaoh Atem x Priest Akunadin)
- Wallshipping (Rishid | Odion x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Warshipping (Amelda x Seto Kaiba)
- Warnshipping (Yami Bakura x Isis Ishtar x Ryou Bakura)
- Watchshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Priestess Isis)
- Whaleshipping (Ryouta Kajiki | Mako Tsunami x Aquarium Lady)
- Whispershipping (Seto Kaiba x Possessed Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler )
- Whiteshipping (White Asuka x (Manjoume White Thunder)
- Willowshipping (Arthur Hawkins x Kisara)
- Windshipping (Ryou Bakura x Yuugi Mutou x Shizuka Kawai | Serenity Wheeler)
- Wingshipping (Mai Kujaku | Valentine x Harpy Lady)
- Winshipping (Pegasus J. Crawford | Maximillion Pegasus x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Yuugi Mutou)
- Wintershipping (Mokuba Kaiba x Amane Bakura)
- Wishshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Yuugi Mutou)
- Wrapshipping (Thief King Bakura x Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler )
- Wreckshipping (Yami Malik x Yami Yuugi x Seto Kaiba)
- Xenoshipping [this has been renamed to Successionshipping, please use that!] (Rishid | Odion x Isis Ishtar)
- Yamishipping (Yami Malik x Yami Bakura x Yami Yuugi)
- Yuujoshipping (Possessed Katsuya Jounouchi | Joey Wheeler x Yuugi Mutou)
- Yuumeishipping (Yami Malik x Malik Ishtar x Yami Bakura x Ryou Bakura x Yami Yugi x Yugi Mutou)