Mai Kujaku x Shizuka Kawai
Mai Valentine x Serenity Wheeler

Nurseshipping is the name assigned to the yuri pairing of Shizuka (Serenity in the dub) and Mai. It is allegedly named that because Shizuka stayed by Mai's (and her brother's of course) side while she was in a coma during the Battle City finals much like a nurse would a patient.
Why do you ship this?
I'm a big Shizuka fan and love to slap her with a ton of characters. I also love the idea of Mai falling in love with Joey's younger sister or Joey's younger sister getting a crush on her big brother's cool girlfriend. I love the almost cool big sis role that Mai takes with the younger girl. It's also just... sexy, sorry LOL. It's about the potential. It's about the age gap. It's about the fact they look so pretty together. They also both work amazingly with Joey himself.
Art and Fic I Made

one day...

credit: mai render, shizuka render