Tweetfic 4 - Sonia/Impdimps
Author's Notes: prompt: Sonia Pokemon getting gangbanged by a horde of wild Impidimps.

For a variety of reasons, Sonia tried to avoid the Glimwood Tangle whenever possible. Today, it was impossible. She traversed through the dark and eerie forest with only faint glow of mushrooms that were too far apart to guide her. Giggling and the cries of fairy pokemon made her hair stand up on its end. The tall heels of her boots caught in something and sent her crashing to the ground. Before she could even react, a gaggle of Impidimp had rushed towards her. Wiry bright pink limbs that seemed to glow in the low light tore at her thin clothes and left her soft skin exposed to the elements.
"H-hey!" She squealed spikes of panic drove themselves into her heart. Disproportionate cocks and tongues were suddenly upon her and whatever Impidimps weren't rutting against her were pinning her to the ground. She squirmed and panted as a tongue, a cock or a grabby hand dragged across her heaving breasts or against her regrettably slick pussy. It didn't take long for the creatures to get bored of the teasing. Cocks slammed into her mouth and cunt and wherever else they could fit in this position. Luckily for Sonia, they didn't seem to last very long but she couldn't help but groan in disgust each time their loads painted her with saccharine cum. When the last Impidimp left, she sat up in a daze.
Ugh, she knew she hated this place.