
Author's Notes: shiinnnyyaaaaaaa

His lips were softer than hers and she wasn't sure if she should've been annoyed at that. Though, she supposed, she shouldn't have been kissing a grade-schooler, to begin with. Suddenly, Shinya's grip on her hands tightened and Rin was pulled into an even deeper and more shameful kiss. Reluctance melted away within seconds and left her feeling hot and wracked with guilt. She shouldn't be doing this. It just wasn't right. She pulled away from the kiss, panting with need, and drank in all his details. The way his big, wide eyes shone up at her with pure adoration and how right his hands felt on her shoulders made her want to cry. A hand slipped up along her body and cradled her face.

"I... I love you, Rin."

Ice water ran through her veins as more of that guilt swam inside her stomach and began to duel the overwhelming swell of happiness she felt.

After a long while, she finally replied. "I love you too."

Shinya deserved better but she didn't want to give him up.

Not yet.