Make Him Kind To Last The Whole Night Long

Author's Notes: written for boatsmayn

There weren’t a whole lot of places that Kanji and Ayane could go besides Aiya. Not that either of them minded too much. The prices were good. The food was good. Everything was pretty good. Though, Ayane couldn’t help but wish for a little more... romance in general. Kanji and Ayane had been dating for a month or so and he hadn’t even made an attempt to kiss her yet. She appreciated how gentle and sweet and oh-so-patient he was but...

She was a girl with needs and she needed Kanji.

These feelings of frustration swam inside of Ayane as she munched on a piece of beef. Kanji scarfed down his meal, unaware of his girlfriend’s feelings at that moment. As her short legs kicked under the table, her toes brushed against Kanji’s knee.

“S-sorry!” she stammered. Then... an idea formed in her head. If he wasn’t going to make a move, then she would have to. Swallowing, she slipped forward in her chair until her chest hit the table's edge. Her heart throbbed. Was it going to burst? Was she making a mistake? The heat that swirled inside of her core told her to ignore those feelings of doubt and to just go for it. Gently, she toed out of her shoes and stretched her leg out. The tips of her toes brushed against Kanji’s thighs. He stopped.


Biting her lip, she moved her foot further up. Soon, she met his crotch. It didn’t take long for the bleached blond to stammer and flush. He swallowed as his dark eyes locked with hers. She could feel him begin to stiffen under her touch. Emboldened by the firmness under her clothed foot, she stroked his growing erection. The ball of her foot ground against what she assumed was the side of his shaft. It was then that she realized just how tight the pants he usually wore were. She could feel every twitch and throb through their clothes. How she didn’t notice how... big and thick he was until now was a mystery.

Her hips squirmed atop the chair as she imagined just how big her boyfriend was. How it could feel in her hand or feel its warmth against her bare skin or even inside of her. Arousal seeped from her folds and into her panties. Similarly, she felt a wet spot form on Kanji’s thigh. It steadily grew wetter and wetter with each stroke and grind of her toes. She swallowed.

“Babe... please...” he whispered as he reached under the table and brushed against her foot. His hand bumped against her as he worked on undoing his belt and pulled himself out. That same hand reached for her ankle and rested her sole against his shaft. “...Keep going.”

Ayane’s mouth grew dry. Wordlessly, she moved her other leg and sandwiched Kanji’s big, thick cock between her soles. The muscles in her thighs ached as she pumped her feet back and forth. Her boyfriend’s eyes screwed themselves shut as his breathing grew heavier and heavier. Soon, she felt slickness seep into her socks as the throbbing of his prick grew more and more frequent. His breath hitched as he slumped forward and nearly sent his beef bowl clattering to the ground.

People looked towards the couple in the corner but the brunette continued to stroke him off.

“S-stomach ache, it’s whatever!” Kanji choked out. “D-don’t... worry...”

Ayane’s breathing grew heavier as her strokes grew more uneven and her socks grew wetter and wetter with precum. Then, she felt a sticky warmth splatter against her calves—though, she felt a rope of cum reach the middle of her thigh under her dress.

After a long moment, Kanji tucked himself back into his pants, slammed the money for their meal on the table, and rushed Ayane to his place without a word. The tiny girl's first kiss and time was claimed that very evening.

They hadn’t even made it to Kanji’s room before he had his cock inside of Ayane. The small girl gripped onto the door frame, her little legs dangling in the air, as her virginity was taken from her. High-pitched gasps and whines escaped her. Her knuckles were bone white from how tightly she was gripping onto the frame. Kanji was so big and so strong. His large hands massaged her plump ass as he railed into her. His cock, scarily long and thick, buried itself as deeply as it could go inside his girlfriend’s freshly deflowered cunt. She was so small and he was so big. He couldn’t even get the whole thing inside! A small bulge appeared in Ayane’s abdomen through her sundress.

“K-Kanji-kun!” She cried out. It was hard to believe that this was the gentle boy she had just teased earlier! It was thrilling! Her heart raced as discomfort melted into pure pleasure. “Y-you’re going to... I-I’m breaking! You’re breaking me!”

“S-sorry, babe! I... I can’t hold back.” His balls clapped against her chubby thighs noisily. Filthy slick sounds filled the hallway as her juices dripped from her folds and ran down his shaft. “You feel so good! You’re drivin’ me friggin’ crazy, Ayane-chan! I love you!”

Ayane tried to hold back a gasp as warmth blossomed inside her chest. That was the first time he had said that. Her cunt clenched tightly around him as she moved her hands from the door frame—thankfully, he kept her safe and upright—and tried to hold onto his shoulders. That permanent blush on her round cheeks deepened into a deep crimson. Under her clothes, her chest and neck were stained the same deep red. Every thrust sent tiny ripples across her tiny yet curvy body.

“I-I love you too! Please! Please keep going, Kanji-kun!”

His grip tightened on Ayane’s bottom as he began to really rut into her. Deeper and deeper the blond worked himself into a needy frenzy. The grip on his cock was addicting. The slick friction that burned between her legs was absolutely delicious to the couple. Everything was just so new and oh-so-good! Eventually, he managed to sheathe himself completely inside of her. This broke the poor girl.

Ayane’s eyes rolled into the back of her head. Her mouth opened as more and more high-pitched whines and screams of delight tore themselves from her throat. Her voice, normally small and barely above a whisper, bounced off the walls of the Tatsumi Household. There was no denying what the young couple was getting into!

Kanji’s mother could probably hear them from the shop out front! The thought of being taken so roughly and possibly getting caught made the girl squirm in her boyfriend’s grip. Her pussy clenched around him once again and made him nearly yelp out. His thrusts grew sloppier. Needier. Ayane didn’t care. She just needed more of it. Her nails scraped against his chest through his shirt as her orgasm crept on her.

Suddenly, white-hot warmth splashed against her walls. Cum flooded her insides and stained her a thick, creamy white that never seemed to stop coming. Semen dripped down his shaft and balls before falling onto the tatami wood floor in heavy globs. The sensation was so warm, strange, and yet comforting. The throbbing of his cock also helped Ayane come along. Soon, she came. Arousal gushed around his already messy cock as she squeezed out the last few drops from her boyfriend.

Panting and shaking, Kanji lowered Ayane to the ground after slipping out of her. He stumbled forward, knocking her onto the floor. Her head smacked against the door that they couldn’t wait to open. After the initial pain subsided, she leaned up and kissed her sputtering boyfriend who stammered out dozens of apologies.

While the ending wasn’t perfect, it was an amazing beginning, she felt.