Tweetfic 9? - Yunaka/Etie
Author's Notes: im not rly into this sorta thing but im always happy to write yunaka stuff (within reason)

"How did Yunaka find herself in these situations?" and other similar questions ran through her mind as her hands stroked the archer's powerful biceps. The way her skin glistened in the Somniel's sunlight and the scent of fresh sweat swam across her senses. Unable to take it, she dove in. Her tongue swiped across the bulging bicep. Etie blinked.
"Uh, you okay there, Yunaka?"
"Shush. Let me do this," the thief muttered. Her hands continued to stroke along Etie's powerful body as her tongue lapped up every droplet of sweat. Salt clung to her palate as it ran along every dip and groove of her arm. Then, she was at the shoulder and armpit and licking up every bit of sweat there. "You're so strong," she murmured against Etie's damp skin. "It's pretty attractive."
Etie blushed. "Well, I got more to show ya if you really want."
Within seconds, her shirt was thrown over her head and dropped onto the ground. Only a sweaty brassiere was on the top half of Etie's body and all Yunaka could do was drool. Once again, she dove right in. Her tongue dragged across Etie's slick flesh. Her deltoid, trapezius, and pectoral were coated in a thick sheen of saliva that glittered in the summer sun. The taste and scent of sweat were more pronounced around her armpit and shoulder. Utterly divine, that was all Yunaka could think as she worshipped Etie's muscles. Lower and lower, she sank to the ground until she was on her knees and lapping along Etie's pronounced abs. They were hard and chiseled as if sculpted by the masters of the past. Yunaka was all about it. The muscles along her stomach and sides were kissed and licked. Then, she reached her hips. Those were also covered in kisses and given a few kitten licks as Yunaka worked her way further down. Her lips met her skirt...which was quickly shoved to the ground.
Yunaka laughed as she got up to her feet. "Sorry Etie, I don't do that sorta thing. That'd be weird!"