Tweetfic 2 - Edelgard Fucks A Horse
Author's Notes: i have never played crimson flower so forgive me if it is inaccurate that these chars would ever fuck a horse. i am sorry.

With her second at the entrance keeping an eye out for anyone, Edelgard let herself relax as she stripped, carefully folded, and placed her uniform in front of her lover’s door. Her heart throbbed as she slid into the stall and gazed upon the stallion. She whispered affectionate nothings to the beast, her hands running along its powerful form and admiring both its coat and the way its muscles shifted under her touch.
The princess dropped to her knees and shuffled underneath the horse. The heavy scent of its musk filled her lungs and clouded her mind. She was already aroused long before coming to the stables but the scent of its cock would have made any lingering thoughts disappear. She pressed her face to its heavy balls and dragged her tongue across its flesh. The horse huffed and raised its tail. She kissed and licked everywhere she could reach, shuddering at the scent and taste that stained her senses. Eventually, she worked herself up to its sheath and did it all over again. As that heavy shaft pushed out of its sheath, her hands rushed to stroke whatever couldn’t fit in her eager mouth. She couldn’t dream of fitting her mouth around the flared head, but, it didn’t stop her from lavishing such loving adoration to it. How unbecoming.
She shivered and rose to her knees and bent over. Blindly, she reached back for the horse’s cock and tried to line it up with her pussy. The beast bucked forward, bumping against her thighs or just grinding against her torso. She grit her teeth in annoyance. However, she felt its cock properly line up with her cunt. She gasped as the horse pushed forward. A hiss escaped her as its cock sank itself as deep as it could… which wasn’t very much. It stretched her to her absolute limits but she could only guess that she reached not even halfway down. She looked to her side, keening in pleasure, to see who assisted her. Any panic she felt melted at the sight of her faithful retainer.
“Thank you, Hubert,” she murmured, her voice drowned out by the sound of the horse above her. “But, who… who is watching…!!”
“Do not worry yourself with such thoughts, Lady Edelgard. Just enjoy yourself.”