Take a Trip On My Ecstasy

Notes: Once again, this was written by my partner, BottomBitch. If you're interested in more of her work, hit up her AO3. You can find her commission info here.

It was hard for Desu not to feel a little silly as she stood at the hotel desk, having just told the woman behind it that a friend of hers—he was a little more than that—had gotten a room for the two of them already and was waiting for her. It would be obvious what the two of them were going to be getting up to, and there was a part of Desu that was almost proud at the notion that someone might know that she and the esteemed Prince Detective were going to be fooling around together.

The embarrassment came when she had to actually interact with that notion, to look the receptionist in the eye after telling her. It might have been a little easier were the dynamic between herself and Akechi in any way a normal one, but it wasn't. Desu wasn't about to head up to the hotel room to be wined and dined and romanced and made love to, she was about to head up to the hotel room to get dragged around and spat on, fucked raw and used until she could barely even remember her own name.

That said, the embarrassment was quite easy to forget about once she was on her way up to the room. Her thoughts then drifted to the sort of things that he might have her do. If their previous times together suggested anything, then not only would she be subjected to the most depraved things that Goro Akechi could think of, but they would also be more intense than the last time, which was a running trend with the time they spent together.

Desu didn't even have to knock at the door to the room. By the time she got there, Akechi was already in the middle of opening the door for her. If she had been less worked up, she might have called out what seemed like desperation, but not only did she not notice, she would have also been a hypocrite because she could feel her knees getting weak before he even spoke to her. There was something about him that absolutely destroyed her, something that kept her coming back even though he treated her poorly. As Akechi closed the door behind her and dropped his pants, she was reminded exactly what that 'thing,' was. Or, at least, a large part of it. And it was large, even while soft, and thicker than Desu's wrist. Of course, there were many other things about him that kept her docile and willing, but when presented with that member, it was all that she could think about.

Dropping to her knees before she had even been told to, she shouldn't really have been surprised when he cleared his throat and snapped his fingers at her, gesturing for her to lean back. When had she even leaned forward? His cock gave her body a mind of its own, while hers was suffering immense cock shock.

"Not yet. Are you so desperate that you can't even wait to be told what to do? This room cost me a lot of money, and I won't have you wasting our time here with selfishness." Desu fell back on her heels as he spoke, and did her best to not focus on how utterly aroused she was. Akechi sighed down at her before stripping off the rest of his clothes and then clearing his throat to invite her to do so the same. As Desu began stripping, she looked over towards him to see him reaching into a box he'd placed beside the bed, and from it, he pulled a collar and leash. Compared to some of the things that he had done with her already, that seemed like a step-down, if anything, but Desu wasn't about to complain.

With that, Akechi took a seat on the bed, and after a moment's wait to make sure that she didn't seem too eager, Desu crawled over to him. Crawling might have been a little presumptuous on her part, but Akechi didn't punish her for that. Seeing as she had already gotten into character, Akechi slipped the collar around her neck and snapped the clasp shut, before attaching the leash. "I'm assuming that I don't need to tell you what I'm about to ask you to do," Akechi spoke, then paused for a moment before continuing. "However, in the interest of ensuring that neither of us wastes our time, I'll make it clear. You're to act like a dog, to crawl around on the floor. Are we clear?" he asked.

In a moment of pure arousal at the thought of being forced to do something so utterly degrading, Desu gave both an eager nod at first, and then replied with a 'Woof!'. Akechi pulled back a little at that, apparently not expecting her to be so into it, but between his legs Desu could see his cock twitching, and that meant that she hadn't gone far enough yet. When Akechi stood and began to walk around the room, she padded after him, doing her best to act the way that a dog would. She even changed the way that she was crawling around to make it seem more dog-like, and panted in a say that sounded like it could be from a dog. Even with the slight comfort that it gave her aside, to be doing something like that simply for someone else's enjoyment made Desu turned on beyond belief.

Between her legs, her pussy was steadily dripping, and she was sweating so much that she could feel her glasses fogging up. Dogs shouldn't be wearing glasses, she told herself and reached up to pull them off before placing them on the bedside table. Without them, she could barely see, but she didn't have to be able to see very well to make her way around the hotel room's floor at Akechi's guidance. Every so often, he reached down to give her a gentle pat on the back of the head, and she always leaned into his touch affectionately, silently asking him to give her more, though he never did.

Eventually, his hand came to rest beneath her chin, and as he angled her face up to look at him, she gave an eager woof. Apparently, that was enough to tip him out of the briefly affectionate mood that he had been in. He moved to sit on the bed, and, of course, she followed after him, and with his hand on the collar he tugged her up onto the bed. Desu continued to act the way that she thought a dog would as he laid her down on the bed, pulling her hands and feet up in a way that she thought was cute, but evidently, Akechi had other things in mind.

After sitting beside her, he grabbed the back of her head and forced her face up against his balls. He had looked so clean before, but just a hint of the scent that awaited her there made it clear how wrong of an impression that had been. His balls smelled like sweat, with the underlying scent of masculinity that he always carried there, the two mixing together to form a scent that Desu both couldn't get enough of and couldn't stand. It felt like her mind had been entirely wiped of intelligent thought.

Desu tried to keep up the act. She did try. But every time she tried to let out any sort of canine-esque noise, Akechi simply forced her face further against his sack, making her gargle his balls and drool against them. Eventually, she stopped trying, but only partly because she got the impression that he wanted her to stop. The other reason was that she couldn't find the focus for it anymore. She was so wet, and his balls smelled and tasted so good, and the mind-numbing effect that they had been having on her simply wasn't going away. Her eyes rolled back, and she thought for a moment that she might cum without even touching herself, but then Akechi took things a step further.

His hand grabbed onto the back of her head again, but rather than forcing her further into his balls he instead rose his hips higher, keeping her pressed against him. She was met with his ass instead, and it was clear from the get-go what he expected her to do. She'd never done it before, but... ah, this was the part of the night where Akechi began to top himself. Good. Under the haze of arousal, those were her favourite parts.

It became even harder to focus as she pressed her tongue up against his ass, but she didn't let that stop her. Her tongue ran against the hole, savouring the taste there, a bitter one that had all the sweat and musk that his balls had, but also something richer, something that she knew she shouldn't have been tasting but that made her all the more excited. A hand slipped between her legs absentmindedly, but Akechi reached down to pull her hand away. "You're so desperate. Can't you wait until you're finished before you start thinking about yourself? So shameless... I guess that's what I get for giving you the role of a bitch in heat."

Desu kept licking. His words reached deep into her but she kept on going, wanting to please him. Although she did only lick at first, she eventually began to kiss and smooch at the rim. That wasn't a very dog-like thing for her to do, but she couldn't stop herself. She wanted it sloppy, wanted it— ah, but did he? Perhaps not, she reasoned. He would probably want her to slip her tongue inside him, and that's exactly what she did next. She wriggled it against the hole until she was able to slide it inside properly, and then she pushed herself against him. Although she managed to get pretty deep inside of him, it didn't really feel deep enough, and so she reached her hands up to grab his ass and pushed her tongue as deep as she could possibly get it, wriggling the muscle around all the while both in an attempt to pleasure him and to help it move deeper into him.

Akechi rose his hand to lay it against the wall beside him and let out a soft grunt. "Wow, you're... that was..." A moment of honesty passed him and he cleared his throat. "Is that all that you can do? I expected much better from you," he commented, grinding his ass down against her face, which actually only served to pull her tongue out of him a little considering just how deep inside him she was.

"I feel like you're not getting into the role enough. Perhaps I should pin you down and breed you like a bitch first? Then, perhaps, you'd be able to settle into the role of one a little easier." Desu felt like she was pretty settled into the role already, but whined against him nonetheless, forcing her tongue as deep as she possibly could before pulling it back in favour of a deep, constant tongue-fucking. Despite Akechi's words, that was enough to push him over the edge, and after pulling her sweat-soaked, saliva-coated face back, he added another fluid onto the ones already there, firing rope after rope of cum onto her exhausted facial features.

Dripping with his seed and sweat, Desu's upper body collapsed back against the bed when he stopped supporting her. Was he done with her? She wasn't sure what she wanted at that point. Him going a little longer would be nice, but she just felt so damn tired. As her thoughts raced, Akechi moved between her legs and lifted them up to spread them wide, and despite how exhausted she was, she wrapped her legs around him all the same.

"Yes, pleeeease," she begged, moving her arms up, but Akechi ignored them. His hands settled at either side of her shoulders, leaving only briefly for one of them to help guide his cock inside her, and with a deep slam, entirely condomless, it was obvious that he intended to follow through on his tease of breeding her.