AU where during the events of PQ1, an adult Junpei winds up going back in time and interacting with his younger self and friends. He's dating Yukari in his time so he figures its okay to tease and flirt with her here which gets younger Junpei jealous and uhh umm...DOUBLE ANAL
Notes: Once again, this was written by my partner, BottomBitch. If you're interested in more of her work, hit up her AO3. You can find her commission info here.

Junpei slid back on his heels, the dirt under him shifting but supporting his weight to keep him standing. He re-affirmed the grip on his bat and reached up to tip his hat back a bit, eyeing his opponent—Yukari's shadow. Despite his confident stance, fighting her wasn't easy, emotionally or physically. Still, his friends were depending on him. The broken clocks suspended in the air that floated above them twitched and pulsed with humanity's heartbeat, a phenomenon that he chose to believe was in support of him.
"Alright, that's it!" he called out, lifting his bat behind him before he shifted his feet to secure them. "You've been wearing her face for long enough. I'm gonna show you what happens when you mess with us!"
The shadow let out a dark giggle as she readied her bow. Junpei stood waiting for his opportunity, but was soon distracted by the shadow aiming upward. She fired an arrow into the air, but he didn't let that distract him any further. After a moment to collect himself, he took off towards her. Unbeknownst to him, the shadow had aimed for one of the clocks that hung above them. Displaced from its ethereal hold, it plummeted towards him.
Right as he readied his arm to swing, his vision went white.
When his eyes opened again, his conscious returning to him slowly, he was laying on the floor of a school that he didn't recognise... until he did. It was... wait. Hadn't he just been here? Yasogami High. He had fought a few of the shadows there, but there was something off about it., even moreso than before. As he moved to the door, he checked himself for cuts and bruises. It seemed as though he was okay.
When he slid the door open, he found himself face-to-face with... himself. As he studied his own face, an expression of surprise forming on both faces, memories lost to him returned all at once, and then his vision went white again.
"Hmmm. It doesn't seem to be working. The patient may require surgery," was the first thing that he heard when consciousness returned to him a second time.
"Elizabeth, I don't think that's—"
"There's no need to be afraid. I am a professional."
Junpei's eyes snapped open just in time to interrupt Elizabeth's lowering of a needle. She pursed her lips, then sighed.
"Well, that's a shame," she sighed, before shaking her head. "Ah, what I meant is—good!"
Surrounding him were his friends, but versions of them two years younger. He had been transported back in time, apparently. He explained to them, upon their inevitable many questions, that he was from the future and wasn't sure how he had ended up there. Giving them details whilst ensuring not to tell them anything that might affect the future was difficult, but Junpei barely understood himself—he wasn't going to risk making things worse.
Still, there was one detail about the future that was very difficult for him to contain. In the future, he and Yukari were dating, and they had been for a couple of years. The versions of himself and his girlfriend that stood before him weren't that far off the first embers of their relationship forming, but that just made it harder for him to talk to them. Getting along with himself was easy enough, but he wasn't sure how to act around Yukari.
Two days spent in the past made him relax his self-imposed rules somewhat. No matter how hard he had tried, it was impossible to act normal around Yukari. He knew too much about her. Things that had at one point been merely banterous and endearing had become things that only strengthened his love for her. He had never been good at maintaining a poker face.
Yukari, who had more sense than both versions of him, picked up on the way that he was acting. When the others were recovering from a trip into the labyrinth, Yukari grabbed Junpei by the wrist and pulled him into one of the classrooms. The younger Junpei, noticing this, followed behind them, keeping enough distance so as to not be seen.
"Alright," Yukari said as she closed the door, then pressed her ear to it for a moment to ensure that the others weren't nearby. She turned to him, placing her hands on her hips. "I see the way that you're looking at me. Explain yourself," she demanded, narrowing her eyes suspiciously.
"What? I mean—"
"Just tell me what's going on. What happens to me in the future? Did I get hurt? Is that why you keep clamming up around me?"
"Not... not exactly. I mean, no. That's not— It's something else, but I can't tell you," Junpei explained, but he already knew that Yukari wouldn't be satisfied with that.
Sighing, Yukari leaned back against one of the empty desks. "I won't tell anyone."
Junpei eyed her for a long moment, not sure what to say. It had been a while since he had seen her so insecure. Exhaling through his nose, he leaned against the desk opposite her. "You mean it? You won't tell anyone? I have no idea what telling you this could do, but... to be honest, I really wanna."
"I promise."
There was a long pause, but Yukari waited patiently enough.
"In the future, me and you are... dating. Well, you don't like calling it that, but it's pretty serious. We live together and stuff."
Yukari's expression fell as she stared at him, and then she raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"Why would—"
"Don't shoot the messenger, okay? It's not like I expected to go back in time. I'm sitting here doing nothing because you all don't trust me enough to let me help—which I get—and all I wanna do is go back so that I can be with my friends again. You. I wanna be with you again. I don't even know if I'll be able to."
Yukari recovered from her confusion and nodded, laying her hands together atop her lap. "It's okay, you don't need to justify it any more than that," she replied. Turning her head to the side, she raised a hand to run a finger up and down her cheek. Junpei had no idea what she was thinking. Was she mad at him? It would make sense. He didn't like to imagine it, but he couldn't blame her if that was how she felt.
"You said that we don't remember our time here after we get out, right?" she asked, lifting her gaze to look at him.
"Uh, yeah," Junpei replied.
"Tell me everything, then," Yukari insisted. "I'm not gonna remember it, anyway."
Junpei thought about it for a moment. 'Fuck it,' he thought.
For the next few minutes, Junpei relayed as much of his relationship with his Yukari as he could. He liked talking about her. He told stories of the awkward moments that had led to their relationship, and then spoke at length about the things that he found cute about her. He could feel a tension rising as he spoke. Her cheeks grew steadily redder, but she kept her gaze on him and listened to everything that he said. By the time that he was finished, she was breathless and embarrassed.
"Th-That's, um..." she replied, gazing down at the floor. "In t-two years? Really? I guess we make the most of our time..." Trailing off, she moved her hands to the desk and looked up at him again.
"You're pretty insistent about that," Junpei replied, crossing his arms. "You keep saying that we don't know how long we have, and that we should make the most of our time together." Junpei made sure to not reveal exactly why she felt that way—Minato's death. So as to avoid her asking about it, he added, "It was you who asked for us to live together."
"I did?" Yukari asked, then let out a low giggle. "Yeah, I guess that makes sense... I just— I mean, me, as I am now... what I want is stability, you know? I guess it wouldn't take much."
"Thanks," Junpei replied, sarcastically but with a smile on his face.
"Hey, what? Come on... I didn't even mean it that way."
"It's fine. I'm not as insecure as I used to be. Frankly, if I was, we probably wouldn't even be together. You're always taking cheap shots at me, but..." Junpei bit his lip as he looked up, laughing the thought off.
"Nothing, I was just going to make a joke."
"Make it, then."
"It's a little..."
"Make it."
"I don't mind the cheap shots so much when I get to end most days giving you backshots."
"That—" Yukari palmed her face. "Junpei, that was fucking horrible."
"True, though."
"You're an asshole."
"Yeah, but you love me."
"Apparently! According to you. Are you sure that I didn't hit my head, or something?"
"No, the only head you're giv—"
"I'll kill you."
Junpei began laughing, closing his eyes. It didn't feel so hopeless anymore. As he tapered off the small laughing fit, he heard Yukari stepping over to him, and when he opened his eyes, she was in front of him, her eyes looking right into his.
"I know what that look means," he whispered.
"Shut up," she replied, then leaned in to kiss him. As he kissed back, the door suddenly slid open.
"That's enough," said the other Junpei as he stepped into the room. He looked behind him and then closed the door. Yukari pulled away and reached a hand, its palm covered by her long sleeve, to wipe her mouth as she looked off to the side.
For a time, all three of them were silent. Yukari made some distance and kept it while the older Junpei kept his arms crossed and the younger one moved his gaze between the two of them, unsure what to even say.
"How much did you hear?" Yukari asked him, fixing her gaze on the floor again.
"Enough," the younger Junpei replied. "I don't care if we won't remember this, I can't just let it happen."
The older one kept his mouth shut. Though he'd been getting along with his younger self, in such an emotional situation he had no idea how to talk to him—a lot of the issues that he had gotten over in the time between the past and the present were overcome almost unintentionally for how little he understood them.
"If we aren't gonna remember this..." Yukari began, looking up from the floor again. "Maybe we could just... do whatever feels right? All three of us. It's almost like it doesn't matter."
"I want it to matter," the younger Junpei replied. "I don't— I mean, it's not like I have a crush on you, but I don't want my first time to be... and I don't want you to— I don't even... if you sleep with some future me, it's like you're..."
"Like I'm what, Junpei?" Yukari asked, her tone suddenly harsh.
"It feels less— like I'm just the follow-up act, not the..." Looking down, the younger Junpei cut himself short.
"We're not even gonna remember it," Yukari replied, crossing her arms. "Forget I asked."
"No! I want to. I know that I said I didn't just now, but I do. I just don't want to be second-best."
Yukari looked at him for a long moment, then glanced between the two of them. With a sigh, she stepped forward, moving an arm up to lay it over the younger Junpei's shoulder. "Give me your best, then, yeah?" As she spoke, her other hand reached down to run against the outside of his pants, groping around for hardness and then squeezing it once she found it.
As he let out a sigh, he leaned in to kiss her, and she kissed back, her hand moving from idle rubs to meaningful strokes as she managed to get a better grip on his hard member.
The older Junpei sat and watched for the moment, feeling conflicted but understanding that it wasn't really about him—for the moment, anyway. As he watched, though, he reached down to grope himself, easing himself to hardness while the other two found their footing.
When Yukari pulled away from the kiss with the younger Junpei, she pulled her arm back enough to run her fingers against his cheek, then glanced over at the other Junpei and made a gesture for him to join them.
After stepping over, the older Junpei leaned down enough for her to kiss him. Soon enough, both of her hands were on their crotches, feeling them out, perhaps comparing them, before she turned her head to kiss the younger Junpei again.
Not wanting to be overshadowed, once their second kiss began, the younger Junpei reached down to grab her ass. When her breath hitched, he tugged her skirt down a bit—enough to slide his hand into her skirt and grope her ass properly. Meanwhile, the older one leaned down to kiss at her neck, his hand moving down to her crotch. He palmed her there for a moment, then picked up where the younger had left off and pushed her skirt all the way off. When his hand returned to her crotch, he groped at her length through her panties, teasing it to hard.
Yukari found herself being backed against a desk, and so she lifted up onto it, taking a moment to pull off her shirt before she let herself be laid back over it. Both Junpeis stripped down, then moved in. The older one crouched down before her, tugging her panties off before he reached in to spread her legs open. The younger, meanwhile, leaned down to kiss her again, though his gaze kept slipping—he hadn't known that she had a cock. It made sense, in hindsight, and explained a few things, but he had never thought about it.
All the same, the younger Junpei didn't allow his surprise to get in the way. Reaching down, he wrapped a hand around her length and began stroking. She let out a moan as she leaned up to kiss him, reaching her own hand down to return the favour.
The older Junpei, nuzzling his nose up against her asshole, exhaled a few warm breaths against the tight hole—her most sensitive area—before pushing his tongue against it.
Both overwhelmed and elated at once, Yukari pushed into both of their touches. Her breath hitched time and time again, and she couldn't stop herself from moaning. Some were captured by the younger Junpei's lips, but others were released into the open air; a shameless pleasure ran through her, along her spine and down her arms.
Looking down, she rolled her hips into both touches, eager for more. "How are you so good at this?" she asked. She didn't specify who she was taking to, but the younger Junpei thought it likely enough that she wasn't talking to him that he needed to up his game.
"Let me have a turn," he said, giving his older self a gentle push. The older Junpei nodded as he pulled away, letting the younger one take his place. In the meanwhile, he moved over, leaning down to give Yukari a kiss on the lips before he stood up and wrapped a hand around the base of his length. He tapped his cock against her lips, prompting a needy sigh from her before she parted them to take him inside.
As she sucked on him, he leaned over to suck on her, too.
The younger Junpei did his best. He had no experience, but he made up for it with his enthusiasm. By the time that both of them were done with their mouths, she was panting and needy. Both Junpeis stood up, gazing down at her, and as she met their gazes, she reached down to grab her legs and held them back, offering herself to them as her cheeks flushed and her heart pounding in her ears.
"Are you sure?" the younger asked, his own cheeks just as flushed.
"Yes," Yukari replied, sounding as breathless as she felt.
Neither of them hesitated. Reaching down, the older Junpei, rolled her onto her side, then lifted one of her legs and laid it over his shoulder. With that, he gestured for the younger to go first.
Nodding, the younger Junpei stepped closer, spitting onto his hand and stroking his cock a couple of times before he aligned himself with her asshole and eased inside. Yukari let out a gasp as he pushed into her, her other leg moving to wrap around his waist as she grabbed onto the desk with both hands to keep herself steady.
After giving his younger self a little time to get used to Yukari's ass, the older one moved in close, pressing his own cock alongside the other before pushing inside. Yukari's ass tightened around them before she forced herself to relax. She panted for breath, moving one hand to cover her face so as to save herself some of the embarrassment.
"Man, no fair. How come your dick's bigger than mine?" the younger one asked, pouting.
"It's... it's your dick, too, dude," the older one replied.
"Yeah, but—"
"Deeper!" Yukari called out, her voice unmistakably needy. Nodding, the younger Junpei pushed in further and the older one followed after him. It took them some time, but they managed to bottom out inside her. Reaching down, Yukari began to stroke herself as she gasped and moaned, her ability to speak so inconsistent that she didn't bother trying. Instead, she rocked her hips desperately against them.
The two Junpeis found a rhythm. One pulled out while the other pushed deep, and vice versa. The older Junpei held himself back as long as he could, not wanting to dominate the rhythm, but Yukari felt so amazing—as she always did—and keeping himself restrained grew more and more difficult by the moment.
Reaching down, the younger one slid his hand against Yukari's balls. He began to massage them, curling his fingers around the sack while he kept his gaze fixed on her face. Soon, Yukari could take no more. She let out a gasp and curled in on herself, thick ropes of cum flying off to the side.
The older Junpei was the next to finish. "Yukari, I'm gonna—"
"Do it," she urged, and he nodded. Pushing deep, he replaced his long thrusts with deep, but shallow ones, and he soon pumped her full of cum, as he had so many times before, albeit with a different Yukari. Easing out of her, he sat back against the next desk along while he watched the younger one pick up the pace.
Yukari rolled onto her back, teasing at herself to see whether she could grow stiff again while Junpei fucked her. He leaned over her, panting, and his gaze was intense and scattered. He gave one last hard thrust, and Yukari thought that he was going to cum, but instead, he just... stopped.
"What's wrong?" she asked him.
"I don't know," he admitted. "I just... it feels a little..."
"Do you want to stop?"
"No. I guess I just feel... I don't know..."
"Come here," she urged, and then she wrapped her arms around his neck while she leaned up to kiss him. That seemed to help him regain his confidence, and soon his rhythm resumed. In time, Yukari grew stiff again and he reached between them to stroke her. She kept her hold on him tight, legs and arms both, and when his orgasm came, she clung to him, needing more than life itself to feel every last drop of his cum pumped inside her.
The older Junpei smiled at the sight as he got dressed. He thought about interrupting them to see if he could join in, but when the younger Junpei's orgasm was followed by more kissing, he thought better of it. Leaving them to their fun, he went to join the others. ...shit, hopefully none of the others had heard what the three were getting up to.