bede x gloria.docx

Notes: Once again, this was written by my partner, BottomBitch. If you're interested in more of her work, hit up her AO3. You can find her commission info here.

The crowd roared as Leon's final Pokemon was recalled back to its ball. The Champion tossed his hat into the air and turned away from Gloria, unable to face her as she took his title from him but feeling pride all the same. Leon's reign had lasted long enough for him to have grown a cult of personality, but the change seemed to be welcomed by the crowd, who had just witnessed an intense battle that pushed both trainers to their limits. Gloria recalled her own Pokemon back to its ball and she looked around her, basking in the moment as much as she was able to.

Other trainers joined the two of them on the pitch and the commentator announced Gloria's victory. Leon recovered from his internal conflict quickly enough to shake her hand, and Gloria was so overwhelmed that the next moments played out seemingly all at once. She hugged Marnie and received congratulations from the gym leaders that she had defeated throughout her journey. She gave a small speech to the crowd who responded with more cheers to swell her excitement even further. She glanced at Bede, who wore a subtle smirk on his face despite the emotional confrontation they'd had just a short while ago, and then it happened.

When Hop stood before her, he took both of her hands in his and spoke at length about how proud he was of her, even though he thought that he would have been the one in her shoes not that long ago. Gloria and Hop had been fan favourites from the very first battle, and rather than their fans arguing with each other, all across social media and the tabloids they had joined together under the banner "GloriHop" to support both of them, and there were more than a few implications that the two of them would make the perfect couple. They were childhood friends, and both so skilled at battling. Hop leaned over right there and then and kissed her on the lips, much to Gloria's surprise.

So overwhelmed was she by the everything that was happening that she kissed him back, and she could already see the response from the tabloids, from the social media accounts that had been set up specifically to report on the two of them. It would be everywhere, and the two of them would be a national sensation, probably even in other regions. She thought about her mother, seeing such a thing on television, proud of her and happy that she had found love at such a young age.

There was just one problem. Gloria didn't love Hop. She didn't hate him, but the puppy love that he did a bad job of hiding from her didn't interest her in the slightest. Her eyes remained wide the entire time, but when he pulled away from the kiss and hugged her tight, she hugged him back. Had she just made a huge mistake by letting him do that, even going as far as to kiss him back? As her eyes landed upon Bede once more, the smirk from his face was gone.

Talking to him was important. Gloria wanted to do it as soon as possible, but there was so much for her to do first. She was interviewed by different news stations and attended meetings with the higher-ups in the league, each eager to make themselves as important as possible now that Chairman Rose was gone and his position in the League was up for grabs; getting close with the new champion seemed to be one of the easiest ways of doing that, Gloria thought, but she cut all those meetings as short as she was able to, and when she finally ended up back at her hotel room, Bede was already there waiting for her. They had agreed to meet there shortly after he had confronted her earlier in the day, but she had the feeling that he wouldn't show; she was thankful that he had.

"The tabloids are already going crazy about you two," Bede told her, from her bed. He didn't look at her right away, but soon did look up at her, filling Gloria with a sense of dread. When he recognised that, though, he moved to his feet and approached her, pulling her in for a hug, which she returned desperately, as if worried that she'd lose him if she didn't hold him tight enough. Bede reached a hand up to slide it behind her head, weaved those fingers into her hair and then pressed a kiss against her forehead.

"I really am proud of you," he told her, his voice soft and gentle. She knew that he was capable of using that soft and gentle tone for things that weren't so soft and gentle, and frankly, she lived for it. Her fear hadn't been of him, but of losing him. Ever since the two had first met, there had been a spark between them—similar to the one that some saw between her and Hop.

"Thank you," she replied, feeling her cheeks flush, and then he pulled away from her to sit down on the bed again.

"We should probably cut this short, though. Wouldn't want people to start talking," he told her, that smirk that she loved to see so much on his face again, but it was hard for Gloria to escape the feeling that there was a joke being played on her—she felt so strongly for Bede, and yet there was an expectation for her to be with Hop.

"I'll... talk to Hop, make sure that he knows that we aren't... what he thinks we are," she told Bede, who simply shook his head.

"With Chairman Rose gone and Leon having lost his title, Galar doesn't need that kind of drama right now," he told her.

"What are you suggesting?"

"I'm not suggesting anything. I don't envy you. Were it me in your position, well... I like to think that the media wouldn't have relied so much on my image," Bede replied, crossing one leg over the other. "The position that you're in is unfair, and so... if you were to respond in a way that was less than moral... it wouldn't almost me understandable, no...?"

"Bede, I need you to tell me what you mean," Gloria protested, with a frown.

"Nothing," he answered, placing his hands on the bed. "What we have would be a true loss to lose. Yet, I can't, and won't, tell you what to do."

Gloria frowned at him again, and when he left a short while later, things were still unresolved.

Life as champion was exactly what Gloria had been expecting. Which is to say: busy, and full of things she would rather have gone without, and yet the way that she felt when people referred to her by her title—the way that kids looked at her, similar to the way she had once looked at Leon—it was all so exciting and oh-so worth it. She returned to her new flat atop a skyscraper in central Wyndon at the end of each day, and it would have been the perfect place for her to relax, were it not for the fact that she was sharing it with Hop.

Hop. Her boyfriend. Caving in to the pressure of the media had been the easy part, funnily enough. Holding his hand in public and even sometimes kissing him wasn't nearly as difficult as she had expected it to be. The two of them never did that sort of thing alone, though, and Hop had brought up that fact a few times, but she always replied that she was simply too tired, or that she wasn't ready for anything more, or that she had too much on her mind, and Hop was always very understanding. In many ways, he was the perfect boyfriend. If not for the fact that he wasn't Bede.

And where was Bede? Well, in Ballonlea. And whenever Gloria visited him, they got right back into the throes of their relationship without a second thought. Gloria had felt guilty about it at first, but it was hard for her to feel as if she had a choice in the matter, and thus it was easy for her to cast that guilt aside, at least enough to fall into Bede's arms again.

"Evening, Champion," Bede told her, sitting on his couch when she entered his house, a home that had once been owned by Opal but had been sold to Bede when he had needed a place within Ballonlea to live.

Gloria blushed the moment that she saw him, but she responded in kind. "Hello, Bede. It's good to see you. How have you been?"

Bede levelled his gaze on her and shook his head with a smirk. "You're always so casual. Is that really how you see our relationship?" he asked her, and she immediately shook her head.

"You don't need me to tell you that..." she muttered, and Bede got up from his couch to walk over to her, pulling her into a deep kiss while his hand moved down to grip her hip possessively.

"Perhaps you're right," he told her, his lips curling a little more with each passing moment. "They say that you and Hop will be getting engaged soon."

"Not if I have anything to say about it," she replied, looking aside again with a small frown.

"You're too hard on yourself," he assured her, and kissed her again before he pulled her over to his couch and sat down with her. "The two of you are cute together. I can only imagine that Hop is very, very happy."

Gloria didn't like talking about it because it reminded her of the guilt that she ought to be feeling. She pouted at him and he kissed her again.

"I wonder if he'd still be so happy if he knew that, well..." Bede trailed off, deciding not to elaborate further. As he kissed Gloria again, she kissed him back, and her arms moved up and around his neck while he leaned in to press his body against hers.

"Do you want me to stop talking about him?" Bede asked her, outright. He often did, and it was another part of the game that she and Bede played together. Gloria didn't like being reminded about Hop in one sense, and yet, in another, it made her aroused beyond belief to think about what she was doing, how naughty it was and how those who looked up to her, even those who simply invested themselves far too much in her personal life and cared little about her battling prowess, would feel if they knew the truth. The truth that she was really only devoted to one man, and it certainly wasn't Hop.

"No," she replied, quietly, and his hand soon slipped inside her shirt, up to her chest. As his fingers slipped beneath the cup and began to squeeze her bare breast, Gloria let out a sharp sigh, and her eyes closed by themselves. She hoped that Bede wouldn't ask her any more questions about him, at least not until she was more turned on, more lost in the pleasure that only Bede was able to provide her.

As he laid her down on the couch, he kissed her lips again and then her neck, and the hand inside her bra continued to eagerly squeeze her chest. It didn't take long for his other hand to slide between her legs and begin running its fingertips along her pussy from the outside of her clothing. Even with three layers of fabric between them, her skirt, her leggings and her panties, his touch was enough to drive her absolutely wild. He worked through those layers one by one, first lifting her skirt so that he could rub right against her leggings, and after only a few moments of rubbing his fingers against those, he worked his hand into her leggings and then into her panties. She felt his digits run over the hair above her pussy slowly, temptingly, and rolled up into his hand with a whine that set the way for many more, each desperate and eager while Bede teased her.

Then, the moment that his finger slipped against her pussy properly, working between the folds to tease her clit, it was as if he abandoned the idea of teasing her entirely. All at once, he was rubbing her clit, pinching his fingers against her nipple, and sucking at the skin on her neck in the way that she adored; it filled her with desire of all kinds, and the only way that she was able to rid herself of some of that excess adrenaline was to reach down between them and begin running her hand up and down his erect length through his pants.

Gloria could make out the entire shape, even as it sat inside his clothes. She worked her finger to the tip, but it wasn't long before she had his button open and his fly down, his underwear tugged aside and his length out in the open. Like a moth to flame, she was drawn to his cock once it was out, and she soon had him sit up again and took her place on the floor between his legs, her skirt and leggings having been removed in the process. As she leaned in to sniff his member, taking in the scent that she adored so much, she felt her pussy dampen her panties even further, and knew that she would spend the rest of the night making a total and utter fool of herself, alongside the one boy that she trusted to use that foolishness against her in the way that she craved.

Moving her hands up to pull his pants all the way down to his knees, she looked up at him with a needy gaze, and she bit her lip. "Can I suck on it?" she asked him, that neediness just as present in her tone as it was in the way that she looked at him.

"Do you think that you've earned it?" he asked her, moving a hand against the back of her head not to push her closer to his cock, but to hold her away from it in the event that she opted not to answer his question.

"I don't know," she replied, looking aside. Bede smirked down at her, then lifted one of his feet up to press it against the coffee table behind her. She worked his pants the rest of the way off and tossed them aside, then looked back up at him again. "How can I earn it? I really want to suck your cock, Bede."

"Let me think," he replied, and then went quiet for a moment. It wasn't that he didn't know what he had in mind, but rather, he wanted to make her wait. She was so needy when he made her wait for what she wanted, and that neediness gave way to a willingness to do just about anything; it wasn't that he was taking advantage of her, she craved someone to play with her like that, to make her do the things that she would typically be too shy to do.

"Start with my balls," he told her, firmly, and he lifted his hips to give her better access. Gloria leaned in without hesitation and she wrapped her lips around his balls, starting with the one closest to her. His balls were hairy and coated in sweat; he always made sure that they were whenever the two of them fooled around together, because Gloria loved having him raw, just as she had the first time that they had done anything together. She had gone further with him then, much further, than she had gone with Hop in the entire time that they had been together. There was no question in her mind as to which of them was worth devoting herself to.

Sucking on his testicle with an eager slurping sound, she brought her hands up and then around, letting them slide between his thighs to squeeze and grope at the muscle there while she worshipped his balls. A kiss to the other once she was done suckling, and then she moved back to the first to give it more of that lustful attention. Her tongue worked overtime sliding up and down, to and fro, in all manner of different directions to ease Bede further into pleasure, closer to the climax that she craved to see him reach. The attention to his balls wouldn't be enough to make him cum, no doubt, but the closer that he came, the more likely he was to allow her to tend to more than just his balls.

Moving to the other one, she let her hand slide under his leg, holding it up and out of the way although she didn't have to. She savoured the salty taste of his sweat the way that she savoured just about each and every taste that he had, even the ones that she didn't like so much; to savour him despite a taste that wasn't so nice was simply how submissive she was, and she craved that feeling of satisfaction when he rewarded her for a job well done.

Pulling away from his balls, she felt her saliva drip down her chin, and she could feel the stray pubic hairs on her face, barely visible due to their platinum colour. "Did I do good?" she asked him, gazing down from his face to his cock and then back up at his face again.

"You did," he replied, but she had the feeling that there was going to be a 'but'. She was right, in more ways than one. "I think you can do a little more for me, though, don't you?" he asked, lifting his hips up more and offering his ass to her, instead. There was disappointment in her eyes at first, but she soon leaned into yet another opportunity to serve him, and she soon pressed her nose between the cheeks of his ass to breathe in his scent; a deeply musky scent, not that of uncleanliness but unmistakably that of a man who had spent the day working up a sweat. Her hands settled beneath his ass on either side and she lifted her head to let her lips replace her nose.

As her lips drew close to his asshole, she couldn't help but think back to that first kiss that she had shared with Hop. She had felt similar things then. Emotions swimming within her and a desire to do what was expected of her. Only, rather than a horde of cameras and fans clamouring to see how her relationship developed, the only eyes that were on her were Bede's—frankly, she cared about ensuring that those eyes liked what they saw far more than the others, and the cameras.

When she pressed her lips to it and kissed Bede's asshole, she let her eyes close and she felt a wave of submissive desire roll through her. It made her pussy throb and her hairs stand on end, and she followed that first kiss with another one while her tongue worked against his back passage, sliding its way inside him properly while Bede gazed down at her with lustful desire. The hand against the back of her head kept her firmly in place as she explored him with her tongue, and the musky taste that she was met with only further fuelled her desire, making her feel as if she was swimming in a pleasure that only he was capable of giving her. Even her bratty disappointment when he made her do these depraved things couldn't hide from the effect that he had on her, that something as utterly depraved as licking his ass was exactly what she needed. Her hand moved between her own thighs and she began playing with herself, even though she hadn't been told that she could; Bede didn't protest, which she was thankful for.

As her tongue worked deeper inside his ass, his legs moved over her shoulders and he used them to keep her in place rather than his hand. One of them ran through his hair and the other clutched the arm of the couch beside him. "You really are too eager to pretend that you don't love this," he told her, grinding his ass against her tongue. "This is what you need, isn't it? Someone to put you in your place—someone who knows what to do with your depraved little self. Hop could never do the things that I do for you. He simply doesn't have it in him."

Gloria found it hard to argue with that, not only because it was true but because her tongue was practically forced inside his ass; she couldn't move her face back even an inch, and short of pulling her tongue back—which she would simply never do—there was no way for her to take a break. She worked her tongue deep inside him once more and felt her entire body shiver once more; the throbbing of his cock above her face, barely visible beyond the balls laid against her nose, was driving her wild. Even though she was muffled by his ass, she let out a desperate and needy plead for more.

"Please let me suck your cock!" she begged him, and though the words weren't totally audible, he knew what she wanted, and he agreed that she had earned it by now. Placing his feet back on the ground again, he pulled back until he was sat on the couch once more, and then he wrapped a hand around his cock at the base, slapping it against her forehead.

"Go on, then," he told her, "but you had better impress me. You're going to want me to fuck you senseless afterwards, right? You haven't earned that, yet."

The words took a moment for Gloria to process, because as soon as he was done slapping her on the forehead with his cock she was already leaning over to kiss her way up and along the shaft, easing the tip into her lips as soon as she had the opportunity, but she was by no means ready to suck on him properly just yet—there was something else that she had to do, first.

"Mmm," Bede sighed, his hand settling against the back of her head again; his fingers weaving into her hair and holding her in place. "You're in your element." Gloria felt herself swell with pride, and she soon slipped her tongue under his foreskin to clean him under there; as with his ass, he wasn't unclean down there, merely sweaty, but that was still a plethora of taste for her to enjoy as she moved steadily towards the moment where she would suck on his cock properly.

As her tongue lifted out from under his foreskin, she felt herself tremble. The hand between her legs was inside her panties now and working her clit steadily, almost desperately slowly, while she kissed his tip again and gazed up at him pleadingly.

"What are you waiting for?" he asked her, raising an eyebrow. "You're not going to ask to suck my cock again, are you? I already told you that you could." There was a moment of silence as Bede's cock throbbed again. "Or, perhaps... are you waiting for me to tell you to?" His lips curled into a grin as he watched her unable to form words, then the hand against her head guided her to the tip of his cock again. "Suck it, Gloria. Suck my cock."

Immediately, she took him into her mouth. An inch, then two, and then she began to bob her head while her tongue worked against his underside; she lapped up any precum that leaked from him the moment that it did so, and she sucked on his tip each time that she moved up to it once more, but she bobbed her head further and further onto his cock each time that she moved down. Her cheeks hollowed and she moaned onto him, lost in the taste and the atmosphere. His hand forced her down further, halfway down his thick cock, and she felt the tip of his member press up against the back of her mouth, about to slide into her throat.

Swallowing around him eagerly, she brought her hands to his balls and squeezed them both as she sucked on him. Her lips formed a seal around his cock, and she took him deeper, letting his cock enter her throat for the first time, leaking precum in its wake. She felt it warm her throat and shivered as she swallowed it, then kept on taking him until she had his entire cock inside her throat. As she swallowed around him, her nose in his bushy pubic hair, she looked up at him and let him see the need in her eyes as she allowed his cock to cut off her air supply completely. That she was so worked up wasn't lost on him, and he brought one of his feet between her legs to tease at her cunt; just grinding there, but the roughness of his boot was enough to drive her inside. It wasn't long before she had to pull away from his cock to save from choking on him, and after she had caught her breath, his hand was there to push her back into place and to have her take his cock back inside her mouth again.

The bobbing of her head that followed was starkly different from that before. She took him deep but focused on her sucking and the eager movement of her tongue. Even as he throbbed and twitched inside her mouth, she refused to release him. If he came down her throat, then so be it. In fact, she wanted him to. She was hungry for it. Whether he would let things go that far or he would pull out of her mouth so that he could cum somewhere else, she didn't know, but she didn't let herself slow because of that. Her tongue bobbed against the underside of his cock and she peppered the tip with smooches, and then she took him to the base again, but only held there for a mere moment. The steady throbbing was much more prominent now, so constant that she could rise up and find more precum to lick up each time that she trailed her lips back to the tip of his cock again.

Finally, Bede was at his limit. The hand in her hair left it for a moment, as if he was leaving it up to her whether he was to be taken all the way to his peak, but then he reached into her hair to yank her back; her tongue kept moving for a moment even when there was nothing for it to move against, so lost in the act she was.

"Mmmngh," she sighed, closing her eyes. "I thought you were gonna cum down my throat," she told him.

"I could have," he replied, "but I think that there's somewhere else that you want me to cum, isn't there?" As he spoke, Gloria felt herself shiver. If he was talking about what she thought that he was talking about, then...

"Strip," he told her, and Gloria did so immediately. She moved up to her feed and shed the rest of her clothing as if she was being timed, practically ripping her sweater and shirt and bra and panties off before she tossed them aside and sank down onto her knees for him again, her hands folded in front of her as if she was trying to emphasise the submission that she so completely felt.

"What should I do now?" she asked him, and rather than give her a verbal response, he leaned down to kiss her on the lips, then pulled her up onto her feet and back onto the couch with him. The two worked to get his clothes off the same way that they had hers, and soon she was on her back, looking up at him with needy eyes while he settled between her legs and leaned down to give her a kiss on the forehead.

"You know what's coming next," he told her, as he nuzzled his nose against her cheek and worked down to her neck again, which he soon began kissing the same way. She let out a gasp and closed her eyes; she did know what was coming next, and she was so eager for it that she struggled to contain herself. Her legs moved to wrap around his waist, and she helped him line his cock with her pussy's entrance.

"Have I earned it?" she asked him, quietly; she hoped that she had, because she doubted that she could have waited any longer. The legs she had wrapped around his waist tightened some, as if she was worried that he would tell her that she hadn't truly earned it yet; those fears turned out to be unfounded, because he soon slammed his cock inside her without answering her verbally. With one stroke, his cock was buried all the way to the base inside her, and the noise that left Gloria was loud and definitive in its nature. No doubt, Bede's neighbours would know what the two of them had been up to, and Gloria could only hope that none of them were big fans of the relationship between herself and Hop.

Time seemed to move faster for Gloria as her wide eyes gazed at Bede's face, filled with need. He leaned in and kissed her again as he began to move his hips, every little sensation sparking another burst of pleasure within her. She kissed him back what amount she could, but to say that she was overwhelmed would have been an understatement. She was totally overcome, and an orgasm felt as if it was just around the corner. Despite that, it still surprised her when it came; strong in its arrival and once it gripped her by the abdomen, it didn't let her go. She moaned into their kiss and shut her eyes tight, her pussy tightening around the cock inside it as if trying to milk Bede of all of the cum that his balls had to offer.

Bede didn't cum just yet, but that didn't stop her pussy from trying to wring him dry. She felt his balls thump against her ass and thought for a moment that she was to get what she wanted, but it wasn't to be. Instead, Bede pulled back until he could plant his hands against her thighs, and then he pushed her legs all the way back against her, before he took his place atop her once more. His arms moved around both her legs and her body, and he laid down atop her so firmly that she was pinned beneath him.

Each thrust, like that, felt so much deeper, so much harder. His balls slapped against her ass each time he slammed deep inside. She could barely contain herself but felt no need to. The moans she gave were given openly, shamelessly, and Bede moved between kissing her lips and kissing at her neck and merely holding her as he fucked her. He fucked her with purpose. He fucked her with desire. Though he didn't say it, she could tell that he fucked her with love. Her arms moved around his neck as soon as she could find a way for them to do so given the way that he was laid atop her, and she kissed him deeper than she ever had before.

Deep down, she had a desire that went unspoken, until it didn't. The idea of being bred by him was dangerous. Not reasonable. It would ruin her life and it would ruin her image. Perhaps not completely, but enough that she shouldn't feel it to be a good idea. Like that, though? Beneath him? Writhing in pleasure? To be bred was the thing that she wanted most, above all else. She whimpered and moaned into their kiss and it wasn't long before she came again, as embarrassingly as the first time but totally without shame.

That time, when her cunt convulsed around him as it had before, he was close enough for the twitching tightness of her cunt to push him over the edge and into his orgasm. His toes curled and he lifted his head to let out a desperate, guttural grunt, and then, with the tip of his cock pressed right up against her womb, he began to cum.

"That's it," she whined, and she let that desire that she absolutely shouldn't want rear its head. "Breed me, Bede! Put a baby in me!"

And he did. At least, he finished exactly where she wanted him to finish. Eager twitches led thick ropes of spunk to cross through the goal into her womb and splatter lewdly, almost audibly from Gloria's perspective, against the far side of her womb. She filled with his cum before too long, because although the spurts of warm seed that followed didn't hit their goal as easy as the first one had, he was so deep inside her and his cock filled her cunt so perfectly that his cum simply had nowhere else to go.

Spent, he pulled out of her a moment later, moving up onto his knees and gazing down at her with slowly dispersing lust. He reached a hand down to stroke her cheek, then ran his fingers through her hair.

"Think that'll carry you over until the next time that we see each other?" Bede asked, turning to sit properly on the couch beside her. As Gloria moved to sit up beside him and leaned against him, their sweaty bodies finding solace in the warmth of one another, she nodded.

"I'd say so," she replied, closing her eyes with a smile. "I appreciate you being... you, I guess is the best way to put it. It feels like everyone goes out of their way to give me what I want now; it's nice to have someone who lets me earn the attention they give me."

Bede huffed and rolled his eyes. "You say that as if I neglect you," he replied.

"No, no," she answered, quickly. "I didn't mean it like that. It's more like... I like to feel like I've actually done something to deserve the affection, you know? I don't get it, otherwise."

Bede nodded, and he moved an arm around her and grasped the back of her head with it and turned his own head to give her forehead a smooch.

"If you're angling for me to say the L word, you're fishing in the wrong spot," he told her, which made her cheeks flush. She hadn't been, but it felt like he knew her better than she knew herself.

" do, though, right...?" she asked, sounding unsure of herself.

"Of course, I do," he replied, with a sigh. "Sometimes it feels like you might change your mind one day and choose whatever life Hop can give you. I don't know how to be secure that you won't—people don't stick around me, but..." Bede trailed off, sighed again, then closed his eyes and laid his head back. "I'm okay with making the most of this while I have it."

"Bede," Gloria spoke, moving onto his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck, "if you lose me, it won't be because someone else offered me something better. I'm not just going to leave. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

Bede locked gazes with her and his cheeks flushed deeply. He glanced aside again and let out a huff. "I love you, yeah? There you go," he told her, and she kissed him and the two headed to the shower shortly after. Not one to be topped in any sense of the word, Bede's first act once they began to bask in the warmth of the hot water was to get Gloria on her knees and piss in her face. As ever, she adored it.