Tweetfic 2 - Ryunosuke/Maho (Kinda)
Author's Notes: da incest... it compels me.

It was no secret that Ryusuke loved his sister. She was one of the toughest girls he knew, she took no shit and could both take and throw a heavy punch. She was talented. Normally, if a chick broke out into song outside of a live show or karaoke, it’d annoy him to no end. But Maho’s voice was something else. Maybe it was the fact it was his sister doing it that softened him up. Still, the way she’d sing one of Eddie’s songs while reading one of her manga or walked with him to Lawsons soothed him like nothing else. It was the kind of voice that needed to be shared with others, but, he almost wanted to keep it to himself. A part of him wanted to keep her to himself in general. He didn’t. He couldn’t even if he really wanted to. Maho wouldn’t let him or any other guy hold her down like that. He was proud of that.
It was fucked up to think about your kid sister the way he did, Ryusuke knew that. Maybe that was why he pushed Koyuki towards her as hard as he did. He fucked countless girls, some his age, older, or even ones as young as Maho herself. It wasn’t enough to kick these thoughts From his system. Maybe seeing her finally happy with someone he knew he could trust would be enough to get him to finally kick the habit. It didn’t.
"Fucking hell,” the guitarist muttered. He slumped against the wall as he stroked his cock. Long black hair clung to his sweat-soaked face as memories of his sister at the beach—fuck that stupid black bikini she’d wear at Coney Island every trip—or the times she’d walk around the place in just a shirt and underwear and complain about someone drinking her stash of soda. His hips bucked into his hand as if he were fucking her sweet pussy or her tight ass or pretty mouth instead. Fuck, he thought about how her beautiful kissable lips might’ve looked stretched around his cock. He huffed. Any place of hers would be amazing. He’d take such good care of her.
Pre dribbled down his cock. His strokes became quicker, shallower, and more desperate. Ryusuke whispered his sister’s name over and over again as if it were a prayer. Heat pulsed through him. He burned hotter and hotter with every heartbeat until finally burning out. Cum splattered onto his hand, some shots even getting as high as his collar. A deep heavy sigh escaped him as he slid down the wall. Shame washed over him as he stared at the mess he made.
He knew he’d just be doing it all again in a few days.